I am a female adult and my poop is coming out black any Ideas why. this is not a joke getting worried?
What is the adjectives point for my age?
Lady, Black stools are usually a sign of digested blood. The iron within hemoglobin turns black This is most frequently a sign that you own a GI bleed from somewhere within you bowels and may be indicative of carbuncle, tears or even cancer. If you are bleeding you may develop anemia as powerfully! GO TO A DOCTOR ASAP!!!
I am a physician and I suggest that you receive this checked out as in that is no path that you can brand name an internet diagnosis. You requirement a thorough History and Physical Exam by a Physician as soon as possible
Suggestions needed to set off my vaginal ph and boost my immune system.?
Have you be to webmd.com?They enjoy a symptom check article that will permit you know if you should see a doctor right away or if you can hang about, it's really practical.
i haven't have my length this month nonetheless?
Iron can exact your feces to be blackAfter me and my husband hold sexual intercourse when i urinate it burns really really fruitless?
It could be from a medication you own be taking. Pepto Bismo dose that. and the most perilous one would be blood within your digestive tract. take it checked out A>S>A>P please!!! A friend of mine died from cancer because he have those symptoms and merely kept putting past its sell-by date going to the doctor.Good luck.
Help please! my sis breaking up?
can be from to much potassiumBrown goo and blood coming out of vagina?
girl, self turn to the er asap no joke thats a sign that your bleeding out or cancer psyche procure checked if i be u asap no joke- Please,help anybody who took birth control pills.?
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