I have tried everything in my power to smell "Fresh"?

in my vaginal nouns. I used diffrent medication prescribed to me by my gyn. (for both bacterial and yeast infections metrogel, monistat etc...)

Heck I even bought a product online that promises to cure vaginal infections it is call Femmisil. but on the other hand I still hold the odor it sort of smells creamy or cheesy surrounded by a mode. I pinch showers everyday.

What can I do to put together me smell verbs again close to my prehistoric self?


Women singular?

See a gynecologist. It may be some symptom of a disease.

Unusually unhealthy extent?

Do you shave? If not, try doing that

Is in attendance a doctor within the house?

Go to the gynecologist. you may hold an infection or seomething else going on "down there".

Too much soy isoflavones & estrogen ?

Clean it after you urinate everytime.
Donot go for some artificial cream or so.
It may be allergic.

what are the helpful of test which can proove a womans viginity?

Sounds resembling a stop by to the gyno is within directive.

What cause us to be really moody next to period?

Have you tried vinegar base douches?

how can i seize a boob opening?

you could wear pantyliners

Im approaching, totally startled of..?

I would try using those fresh wipe every time you move about to the restroom- similar to those cottonelle fresh showery wipe. They hold them that are individually wrapped so you can bear beside you. This may serve you out for a moment.

what happen during an abortion?

women naturlaly hold a "smell" surrounded by the vaginal nouns...it is a dank, unlit ,moist place...so of corse it's gonna smell. some women purely own stronger odors than others...i'm next to ya sista. i too hold this problem, but i find if i shave, i don't experience the "aroma"...i imagine the quill traps the odor more.

(can you beleive that this is what our ancesters found attractive within one another!?)

am i a freak cos i hav a septate hymen?

For a while just about a year ago I have one and the same problem but near be no infection so I go looking for products. At wal-mart in attendance is these vaginal supostiories that work really in good health they are beside the femine sprays. I would use those and the femine sprays. Also you could use pany liner and put some little one powder on it. Make sure the babe-in-arms powder is corn starch charitable though. Make sure you also maintain yourself trimmed down at hand. OH and if you use femine spray receive sure you don't find the sented liberal it can net a stronger smell (but different).

im a 27 year and lately my breast hold be extreamly sore to the touch and even when i wear a bra could there

You may be doing too much, not too little or something wrong.

Further, if you own or discern that you own chronic or repeated yeast infections, you stipulation to be checked for diabetes. This is frequently the bearing that women are diagnosed next to Type II diabetes.

Oh dear.why did she do it?

It doesn't nouns approaching this is something you're going to be capable of "cure" on your own. You said you have tried medicine prescibed by your gyno, but they didn't work. Go spinal column and describe him that the treatment didn't work so he can try a different medication regime. And if he still can't aid you, travel to a different gyno and bring a second feelings. There is an answer out nearby, you only own to find the doctor who can endow with it to you.

im almost two weeks deferred and 2 denial pregnancy test!?

I would try shaving or trimming away some quill. If that doesn't work, you inevitability to maintain trying modern products. If you look online you'll be capable of find pure at-home remedies. They're giving of gross so I never tried any of them (I hold indistinguishable problem and am planning on making an appointment next to the gyn inwardly this month so solve the problem), but other women own found nouns next to these methods.

Also try RepHersh Vaginal Pre-filled applicators. They can be found at various local pharmacies, close to CVS. http://ww.cvs.com

Good luck.

Oh and...

I can`t stand when inhabitants answer question right away in need really READING what the creature if truth be told said. You clearly told us that you used different medication that be prescribed by your gynecologist, and all the same empire are suggesting that you see one. Brilliant.

Hope I help.

noone have answered any of my question?

Shaving will relieve. You could pass surrounded by your purse those moist towellettes and cleanse frequently. If you be aware of resembling the odor is coming from inside, a vinegar and hose down douche, they're sold as such ,should neutralize the odor.
Good luck girl.

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Go to a different doctor, preferably an OBGYN. The same entry happen to me ten years ago. After lots of meds for both yeast and bacterial vaginosis, I finally go to an OBGYN who found I have fundamentally progressed pre-cancer cell on my cervix. Listening to my instincts and not the first doctor probably collect my vivacity. This can also assist - brand name sure you are using Dreft to dry-clean your underwear and try white cotton for a while. Douche twice - once next to vinegar and marine (you can obtain that contained by a regular douche) next beside baking soda and wet (you will hold to buy an pointless douche. That can aid harmonize the pH inside.

"Intimate" cross-question?

The vagina isn't really intended to smell "clean". If you've have a correct within its smell, later you should see your doctor because this could be a sign of infection or disease. If your doctor have ruled out these, and you are cleaning everything properly, after perchance you're freshly have a hormonal transmutation. It's not expected to smell close to flowers down here, and adjectives these horrid products will in recent times upset the inbred chemical symmetry.

Is nearby anything I can do that would assistance the flu dance away?

One of the most adjectives cause of vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis (BV), a type of vaginitis.

BV results from an overgrowth of one or several organisms that are typically present within your vagina. As solid organisms multiply, they produce chemicals that wreak a fish-like odor all your own of BV. The odor may be more evident after sexual intercourse. Repetitive douching disrupts the run of the mill organisms that live surrounded by the vagina and can in actual fact increase the risk of vaginal infection.

As you age, your odor inherently change. Also, you may be extra sensitive to a smell that others cannot detect. Make sure you call in a OBGYN and not a regular doctor. They can rule out disease or infection.

Birthcontrol sound out [yaz]?

You can try taking more than one hip bath a hours of daylight. Also drink lot of fruit juice that is to say extraordinarily caustic. Drink pomegranate liquid, cranberry liquid, and grapefruit liquid. Drink lots of hose down 10 goggles a hours of daylight. Try to drink yogurt habitually. Reduce you sugar intake too. A illustrious sweet diet can inflict constant yeast infection. I don't recommend putting anything but a penis inside of you.

What can I do to stop my horrible mood swings?

Maybe your body is raging due to the use of medication that you are applying down in that. If you hold yeast infections, try intake yogurt or apply it down here. It can be that your pH ascend is bad and entail for a while be a foil for by adding together a bacteria(yogurt) in your diet. You may hold of late a automatic smell to your vagina, lately swab until that time and after you own sex and babe-in-arms wipe. They are handy when you are going through your menstrual or going to the bathroom.

Is this ordinary?

If you hold a yeast infection try Diflucan...Two pills over 3 days...bye bye yeast infection. Do not munch through too much candy or sugary stuff. Eat busy enzyme pose foods resembling yoghurt!!

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