Too much soy isoflavones & estrogen ?

Is within such point as taking or have too much soy isoflavones and estrogen within a women's body (young adult) ? What are the bleak side effects ? Thanks!

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Too much soy isoflavones can verbs the estrogen system. Soy isoflavones attach to the estrogen receptors contained by cell but they are nearly 100x weaker than estrogen. So the endocrine system tries to adjust. I found this out the complicated agency.
In Asia empire hold traditionally eat fermented soy products, which don't enjoy the isoflavone problem. (Miso, tempura, soy sauce, etc) Here contained by the US, women are thinking that soy is Goddess' endowment to womankind and getting messed up intake too much soy.
Search on "danger of soy" for more information.

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There is more and more research out here specifically pointing to soy NOT human being the great item is is hyped as. The second one I read said childlike women don't entail extra estrogen and soy is unpromising for post menopausal women.
So that something like covers us adjectives doesn't it? You may want to read the book "What your doctor may not transmit you going on for breast cancer". It give a nice explanation going on for estrogen's roll surrounded by breast cancer - also Dr. Susan Loves breast book (or something resembling that) also get updated near information on estrogen and soy.

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Having more estrogen than progesterone in your body will organize to Estrogen Dominance, and adjectives that it entail:

Acceleration of the aging process
Allergy symptoms, including asthma, hives, rash, sinus congestion
Autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis and thyroiditis, and possible Sjogren’s disease
Breast cancer
Breast cysts
Breast tenderness
Cervical dysplasia
Chronic fatigue
Cold hand and foot as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
Copper excess
Decreased sex drive
Depression near anxiety or agitation
Dry eyes
Early birth of menstruation
Endometrial (uterine) cancer
Fat gain, especially around the belly, hips, and thigh
Fibrocystic breasts
Foggy thinking
Gallbladder disease
Hair loss
High blood pressure
Hot flashes
Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of strokes)
Irregular menstrual periods
Magnesium deficiency
Memory loss
Mood swings
Painful swollen breasts
Polcystic ovaries
Premenopausal bone loss
Prostate cancer
Sluggish metabolism
Skin: Rosacea, rash, dermatitis
Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
Uterine cancer
Uterine fibroids
Water retention, bloating
Yeast infection
Zinc negative amount

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