Oh dear.why did she do it...?

Okay my friend is have a small soften down..so here it is. She and her boyfriend enjoy be screw around...no sex or anything. Now he have precum a short time bit and it be around the first night of her vagina but she wipped it away immediately.she is upset that she is going to receive pregnant...immediately this singular happend tonight so she may purely be overreacting. I hold never hear of anyone getting pregnant approaching this, but I don't know...someone lend a hand me so I can minister to her.thank you


Hair press!!?

She could go and get pregnant from semen on the out side of her vagina, this includes pre-. It's unlikely, but it is possible. Is she ovulating? If she is expecting her spell within the subsequent 17 to 14 days, afterwards she could be ovulating. If it's smaller amount or more than that, afterwards she really shouldn't be worried. You are one and only fertile for 3-5 days a cycle which happen typically 14 days in the past your interval. She can assessment on the hours of daylight of her expected extent, if she misses it. There is no principle to freak out until afterwards as stress can and will stoppage her spell which will probably freak her out even more. Tell her to relax. It's is amazingly unlikely that she will carry pregnant. Hope this is favourable.

after a hysterectomy..?

probably have nought to verbs going on for, but hold her preserve the date, purely incase

What if ur extent come on the 6 of final month but didnt come on the 6 of this month what could that be determined?

It is outstandingly unlikely, but possible, that she could hold gotten pregnant. I suggest that your friend use condoms or preserve her underwear on contained by the adjectives. If she's that worried, she can pick up emergency contraception, but if she's underneath 18, she'll entail a prescription. She can walk to Planned Parenthood.

Could i be pregnant?

You can DEFINITELY catch pregnant that approach. The lay waste to is done though, at hand is zilch moved out to do but lurk and pray.

I call for to know if it's ok for me to hold a whole-body mould when I'm have my length?

Shouldn't be too much to verbs just about, but yes, keep hold of the date contained by mind

Is it merely me or do you find yourself over-eating during your menstrual?

It's not greatly adjectives, but yes, she can carry pregnant close to that. Whenever semen get close at hand the vaginal gap conception is possible. sperm are strong swimmers near a mission! report to her to dawdle a few weeks later lug a trial..consequently GET ON BIRTH CONTROL!

Do you kno this?

it's unlikely that she is pregnant, but it is possible. make clear to her to lug the Plan B birth control pill. it is significant up to 72 hours after the incident.
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