My friend has clear stuff coming out her breasts..?

my friend have clear stuff out her breasts but have her can she be preg or what?

I necessitate to work out but I dont enjoy the drive or the time! Anyone know of something I can purloin for strength?

If she have have a newborn not long it may be colstrum, but if she hasn't she requests to see a doctor.

I'm not complaining, but is this run of the mill? Women single please!!?


Why do girls..?

clear discharge from the nipples is majority at anytime. Often times the move contained by hormones can basis discharge. But if it's ever cloudy or smells fruitless, consequently that should be a concern.

When you're pregnant, you don't produce milk or anything close to that until AFTER the child is born.

PLEASE HELP! Does anybody know remedies for fruitless cramping? I cramp so discouraging during my term that its complex for?

There's this great trial invention on the flea market. You may own hear of it - HPT utensils.

Robbed at the Hospital!! Help!?

IT could be zilch or it could be a pituitary problem (an organ explicitly thoughtful surrounded by your brain). See a doctor!

Do you receive nonstandard Pap Swears?

does she drink right and have she have befor? but is it soft similar to milk or not?

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