Is it ok to wear a tampon, when you're not on your time?

My friend asked me, i just want to transmit her. Thank you

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Hold on, girl. You don't want to do that. The risk for TSS is too high. The highly developed the risk, the greater the chance it will snuff you. That's why you should only wear them when your on your spell.

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Well there's no REASON to wear one when you're not on your term. But it won't hurt you. Just make your friend know to change it at smallest twice a day, basically to be safe.

Biodegradable tampons?

why would you want to wear one if you're not on your time? that's retarded..and no you shouldn't..increased risk of TSS...


sure your friend told you to. well your both too babyish and stupid to even be using them if you have to ask a grill like this!

Lola Smells?

there is no stipulation to do that.
plus "some" tampons give toxic shock so why would a being want to use them more than is absolutely important?

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if you arent on your period within is NO REASON to be wearing a tampon and why would she want to? can get TSS (toxic shock syndrome) when
you wear tampons.even when you are on your time.
Tell you friend to read the paperwork inside the box.
its very informative.

You both must know that TSS is terribly real and can seriously ruin your womanly innerds...yes I said innerds (meaning insides)

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we need more info on y she would requirement to wear one without a term

Major issue ladies only?

hi. i don't suppose so.

First time visit to the Gyno shave or no?

Nop, Why would you use a tampon when you are not within youre period?

Now I suggest you don't that inflict tampons can bring you vaginal infections. Cause if you are not on period in good health you will often forget to tuning it and wait hours until that time peeing again.

Now if she's having discharge very well she should use small pads!

Hope it help!

Why (health question)?

I have a problem next to excessive discharge, and I do wear a tampon without my time. It is not bad for you, but you should trade name sure and get a slim or a night light flow day one and REMEMBER to money it! You also need to generate sure that you are cleaning down there even more because of germs forming. I would suggest using a panty liner if there is a inevitability

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Never use a tampon whenever you are not on your spell. Tell your friend that the tampon (even with the lightest absobancy) can dry out your vagina and the loss of vaginal fluid is not well and the Tampon will shread causing TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome), also narrate your friend to use a pantyliner just to be safer and almost any brand of pantyliner will work merely as well.

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I also wear tampons when i dont have my time because i am irregular and i am not sure when i am getting my period so when i bring back cramps i put one in newly to be sure that it wont go adjectives over my pants...explicitly sooo embarrassing i wouldnt want that to take place

For females only.?

no not a apposite idea. You can develop infections or TSS(rare) There is no idea she should want to. If she's trying to do something about regular dishcarge, tell her to use a panty liner to help out her feel dry & verbs.

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