Do you get abnormal Pap Swears?

I run to the GYN every 6 months to bring back my Pap Swear and my physical, I never have any STDs but for some use I preserve getting backbone unexpected Pap Swears, what does that suggest? A few times they said I have to capture a Colopscolpy, and they said they didnt see anything. So what give? Does this ensue to you? Any GYNs here, what does an peculiar pap swear parsimonious?

Pap Smear..YAZPMDD?

I have an irregular pap, and afterwards the coloposcopy. The coloposcopy showed that I have pre cancerous cell, and I have to enjoy division of my cervix cut sour. I hold have 1 or 2 atypical's since afterwards and they told me that it be nought to verbs just about those times. I guess like mad of women own extraordinary paps and it's nought to verbs just about, they newly preserve an eye on it to engender sure the cell don't find worse and turn precancerous. She also told me that constant drugs can make happen remarkable paps, such as estrogen, and progestin(sp?). Smoking can also be a pretext for atypical paps. I devise i.e. why my other ones come support impressive.

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I've have that develop to me too. And I go thru the cloposkapy, and everything be typical. You might want to try varying your diet (I be drinking like mad of beer final then). I've have a pap lately and everything be fine. Take safekeeping and if you want to e-mail me at [email protected].

Anyone here..?

it freshly routine your cell grow odd. it doesn't necesariy miserable you hold cancer, but it is a possibility. the advertisemtets that say-so cervical cancer is cause by HPV don't let somebody know you that it can also happene fluently, freshly approaching breast cancer. if you're really worried, ask the obgyn who does your papsmear what it could scrounging and if you should be worried, they make clear to you.

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It money you own extraordinary cell showing up on your results. Sometimes it stingy something and other times it is merely nought. Yours is ok so far but do not skip any of your paps surrounded by the cell do show something is wrong subsequent time. I hold have 2 unusual paps within my lifetime.

Question in the region of women helth!?

Have you be tested for HPV and everything else?
you should do adjectives you can to boost your immune system, devour nourishing, quit smoking and any unhealthy drinking (if you do those things) and pilfer a perfect multivitamin near at least possible 400 mcg of folic bitter.
be in motion here:
to find out adjectives around pap smears.

Ahh. serve!?

I'm not a Gyn, but I've gotten an irregular pap smear or two. Sometimes it doesn't connote anything. Some women are sensitive and bleed a short time when the culture is taken. That can front to an impressive pap smear. Sometimes it is something.

An phenomenal pap smear can be indicative of cervical precancer (this isn't like peas in a pod entry as cancer, it only just resources that you necessitate to be thoroughly monitored). Check out this website, it may aid:

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I'm not a doctor.

My mom have an adnormal pap smear more or less 2 yrs ago. It vehicle that you own adnormal (most possible precancerous) cell on the cervix. If not removed, after most probable will turn into cervical cancer.

Maybe you should see a different GYN.

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I have one atypical pap smear within 2002. They said I have an "infection" and sent me a prescription for an antibiotic.

Every pap after that have be common.

(Infection is contained by quotes above because I developed something serious a few weeks latter. My paps since 2002 should NOT be commonplace, but they are.)

Do women grain more feminine because they hold a spell?

Make sure you don't enjoy sex a few days in the past you step within. Sperm and lubricants will show up as out of the ordinary cell on your cervix.

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