Complex Ovarian Cyst?

Three years ago, i have a complex ovarian cyst removed. The Dr. did not remove my ovary, and informed me at the time that the ovary have not be compromised surrounded by any bearing. Also, he confirmed I didn't hold any other issues (ex. endometriosis, etc.). I a moment ago go to one and the same Dr. yesterday for an exam and he told me because of my operation, I am controlled to the amount of eggs I enjoy (basically, if I want to hold kids, I enjoy to own them surrounded by the subsequent two years.). I am 31, and I discern what he said made no sense. Does anyone know if have a complex ovarian cyst removed compromises fertility? I've never hear of such a item, and I haven't have any problems since. He also asked me if I be seriously dating anyone and refernced marriage ceremony which I thought be completely improper.

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complex ovarian cyst necessitate surgery? what does the biopsy report right to be heard ? at your age,the possibilities are1.customarily occurring follicular or corpus luteum cysts next to bleeding in them, which save for producing anguish and some menstrual irregularity, wants no removal.2.endometriotic ovarian cysts 3. occasionally dermoid cysts , which are not malignant. , the latter two conditions requiring cyst removal any by laparoscopic or overt surgery . at the peri and post menopausal age group, one should for sure rule out cancer. if your doctor have suggested that you should try to for an precipitate pregnancy, feasible that it is an endometriotic cyst as this condition is commonly associated near infertility .

how can i stop consumption so much cast-offs food while i m on my term?

Your doctor is a complete fraudster. Trust your instincts and move about to another doctor. You also should report him for rude behavior.

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