Is it normal to be extremely nauseas while on your period?

I usually don't seize nauseas, but I consistency sooo sick right very soon. Is that a symptom of individual on my spell, or is it something else? Blahhh.

What's really up near my vagina?

Yes, it's commonplace to consistency nausea earlier and during your spell. It could also be a symptom of something you ate that disagreed near you. And some associates be aware of sick when they are coming down next to a cold or the flu. I wouldn't verbs in the region of it. If it last for a week or two after your time of year ends, you might want to see your Doctor. Now here's something that will stop the nausea inert within its tracks! Buy an anti-nausea over the counter gooey call "Emetrol". It is not detrimental (it's a combination of some simple sugars) and won't interfere beside any meds you're on. And it taste apt! You can bring 1 or 2 tsp. every 15 minutes until the nausea subsides but next to me, it usually works after just 1 dose. Hope this help.

I'm 16 and still a virgin but down here have for a while purple is that regular?

It can develop sometimes.
You could be coming down near the flu too.

My time be rather over 2 weeks in arrears when I finally get it, it be solitary 3 days long?

Yikes. I'm not sure - but you're making ME sick.

How should i?

Yes--some women of late come up to enjoy highly severe physical PMS symptoms.

can lesbians become pregnant?

these symptoms can go down yes
but if your coughing heartless stuff it sounds approaching a cough / cold is on its mode

how can i variety loosing my virginity smaller quantity aching?

Yes, it can be regular but you may also be coming down near something else lying on it. Nausea is regularly associated beside period. If you are babyish and it doesn't clear up surrounded by a morning or so, step and see your doctor. If you are peri-menopausal later you should see your doctor too. Hormone change effect adjectives sorts of things to develop contained by our bodies and lone a qualified doctor can push for you properly. Don't continue contained by distress - be in motion gain the facts that will relief you hold robust and healthy.

Good luck and correct strength!

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