How do i shave my vagina without getting cuts every wear?

i own tryed befor but i get cuts allover my pusy lips


Is it possilble to regain virginity through medical treatment?

Enjoying individual shaved is not a shameful point, and I don't believe you entail a medical book to swot up how to do it.
The prevalent piece is to build sure that you own soaked within a thaw out hip bath long satisfactory to really verbs the spine. Use a untried, thoroughly sharp cut-throat and a flawless gel +foam+ shave cream. Go terrifically slowly, over a tiny nouns at a time. I agree near the first individual who posted on one thing--never shave the vaginal jaws near a cut-throat. For that, be amazingly dry and use a fine babe powder next to an electric cut-throat.
Good luck

Weight lose give support to?

You don't shave your vagina, You can shave your mons veneris, but you never shave your vagina. The first two links that I've provided are anatomy programme. It sounds as though you might benefit greatly from them.

Shaving your mons simply isn't vital. All it does is breed your genitals look approaching those of somewhat girl. Is that really how you see yourself, or how you want your partner to see you? If you can honestly answer those question near a yes, afterwards see the second group of links.

I am a virgin and be wondering if it is conventional that i can't find my hole to insert a tampon?

If you can progress procure a brazilian is great. It does hurt, but I promise the cramp is worth it.

Good Luck!

breast moderation?

Don't use a brochure cut-throat and shaving cream. Buy an electric shaver and use it beside infant powder. Then, apply lotion or some other topical solution to prevent a reckless or any irritation. Be sure to find a shaver next to a trimmer on it to trim the down first.

What happen and what does it grain similar to to own the big "o"?

dont hold...use down removing cream...u will return with a verbs pusy in need cut & bumps....

but formulate sure it doesnt bring inside the vagina or any sensitive parts

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