Girls and abortion?

Girls....if you are prolife, whats your argument against abortion, and whats your counter arguements againts womens privacy etc etc. The prolife ppl i i know are mostly men. I wanna know the women' inference on anti abortion.

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i am pro-choice. while i can take in the reason at the back person pro-life, i consider that the affairs of state have no right to narrate a woman what to do next to her body especially because at hand is experimental evidence to support that a fetus is not even so technically "alive" until a unmistaken point in the pregnancy. abortions are not given after that time. together with, nearby are instrument too lots children born into impertinent, hazardous homes and it is really pitiful to see or hear just about what happen to them because their parents are too irresponsible to pass it up for adoption. i do not regard as abortions should be used as birth control, contained by certainty i meditate you should protect yourself contained by every road you can to prevent need to enjoy an abortion but surrounded by some cases it of late can't be avoided. finally, no business what the gov't say in that are some women who will do anything to obtain rid of her kid, such as back-alley abortions next to pills and a coat-hanger or battering herself or abandon the toddler contained by the trash. this is really dodgy for the woman and would wreak deeply of throbbing and suffering and probably destruction for the fetus. i'm not adage you should form everything officially recognized because society are only going to do it anyway, but in lots cases abortions are abundantly better for the woman and will prevent a child from mortal born into a desperate situation.

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it is the womans body and they should hold the right to chose

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I myself am against abortion simply because I believe that the child growing inside of you is already alive. However, I am prochoice. I believe every woman should enjoy the right to choose. No one should form that finding for us.

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I am pro-choice simply because near is no opening anyone can support recounting a woman what she can and can't do next to her body. On the flip side, I detest the reality that some women use it as a form of birth control. Mainly because I would never consider an abortion. I am an mature who is fit of accepting responsibility for my engagements. However, what if the woman be raped? It's the amount of exceptions that would pop up that product the abortion issue ongoing.


Because it's very soon 2007 and women enjoy 100 ways to "choose" to prevent pregnancy! It's not that difficult. Women should stop person so barbaric- ripping a fetus from the inside of a body sounds medieval. Haven't we progress at adjectives?

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it's the female's choice, it's not up to the unbroken world if they should enjoy a babe-in-arms or not!

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why would anyone want to waste here child thats pretty much what your doing... near is no involve for abortion at this time contained by age here is close to 100 different methods for preventing it and if u do come up to get hold of pregnet in that are 1000000's of population out in that would would love to adopt your child mete out they cant hold one of in attendance own

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It's massively simple. Killing innocent human beings is wrong. Every abortion kill an innocent human self. We don't hand over women the right to snuff out their born children surrounded by the "privacy" of their own homes, and they shouldn't enjoy the right to destroy their unborn children, any. There are adjectives kind of "private decisions" that are illegitimate, including child name-calling, rape, etc. See also:

Pro-Life Answers to “Pro-Choice” Arguments:

Photos and Video of Abortions, Including 1st Trimester Abortions:

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