How old usually a girl loose her virginity?


what is the white stuff please comfort me?

when your married, or 18

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every girl is different, i guess it depends more on their sexual later life than their age

Shy to ask?

well im 17 and still a v. but i know ppl who enjoy lost it as immature as 12.

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Whenever they are set really, no set age

only get interval two times a year?

when you want it, not when he requests it and not merely when your OK next to it any, you necessitate to WANT IT!!

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Here within the Philippines, usually 17..due to influences of freeing from the west as all right as of the medium. But I hold oodles gal friends who opt to be virgin 'til the age of 21..we'll some of the answer benefactor are right..when you surmise you are arranged..especially at the 21st sunshine of mestrual cycle, lofty stimulus stratum may invisible odor or fragrance may attract dudes.

Sanitary towels?

I need they would hang about until 18 or when they are mentally and physically ripened satisfactory to knob the consequences of sex, but I'd read out kids are in actual fact starting to rivet contained by sexual behaviors at an avg age of give or take a few 14-15

It be my first time have sex but it didnt hurt as much as i thought it would?

16 is the average age.

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Visit the following page to return with rigid of confusion
(read roughly speaking it and know the difference)
(video explaining give or take a few vulva anatomy, notably recommended, FREE, streaming video)

Few more websites:

Female orgasm?

well, im 17 and still a virgin (also never be kissed!)
but some of my friends ahev have sex and they are 16. so i guess, when ever the girl is in place for it.

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About the time she learn to spell "lose".

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I guess the right time is when the girl is physically and emotionally fit. The pelvic bones own to be in good health developed surrounded by lay down to receive the movements that come next to have sex, you know what i have it in mind. Especially when using the doggy style etc. Ideally in Ghana, the right age for nuptials is 18yrs. I'm 23 and still a virgin. The first sex is vastly essential because you'll other remember the soul who broke your virginity. Half a loaf is better than none so if you're not emotionally in place only continue till you are. It's no rush bcos your ** will other be nearby.

My term, girls solitary, PLEASE!?

I be 15...adjectives I remember be a strobe pale and pink floyd....ahh memories....

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