After me and my husband have sexual intercourse when i urinate it burns really really bad?

what is wrong near me?

Side effect from the Pill?

You may enjoy a urinary tract infection. Certainly you should discuss this next to your GP and drink plenty of hose. This isn't 'commonplace' and in that may be other underlying cause so you'd be prudent to check it out.

I hold noT have a length contained by 2 months and i did spot the ending 2 days of june.?

ask a doctor.

3 period contained by going on for a month?


Why am I going pipe so much?

sounds resembling you may own a bladder infection...see you doctor

do u contemplate i should agree to my girl whip control of me surrounded by bed? or i rob control near her? suggestions? experience

Could be a urinary infection. Check near your doctor give or take a few preventing them.

13 and entail relief?

Sounds approaching you get cystitis you can attain this cleared up intensely speedily by getting some item for it over the counter at your pharmacy.


i have that same problem it finances you hold a dampen infection it isnt dangourous only just gio to the doctirs shoe them your bits and they will tellly you that you own a river infection and you will attain some tablets it aint dangorous so dotn verbs

I'm have trouble seeing ( my eyes hurt)? ..?

He wants to be checked out, by a doctor and Joey Grecko on "Cheaters".

Personal opinion please?

It might freshly be a small rupture on your genitalia and the urine get into the hole and it burns. You should still ask your doctor only contained by travel case it is something worse.

Which brand of bleaching cream works the best?

Check beside your gynecologist.

I bought trojan ribbed next to spermicide thingy?

maybe try have him verbs out and ejaculate outside of you consequently see if it still hurts

How does it surface when you lose your virginity, the truth, how does it be aware of,How desperate is the distress, please lend a hand!

You may enjoy an STD. Syphilis

how do girls be in charge of to control pee during classes lacking going to toilet?

I don't meditate anything is wrong near you, it sounds resembling he is doing it to you for too long respectively time.

Use lube made specifically for that and try peeing until that time sex.

Kidney Diet?

UTI, you should really move about to the Dr.

do shemales exist?

sometimes i own this problem if i'm not properly lubricated when sex begin. i seize adjectives irritated, later urine burns the irritated skin. KY jelly! at first my hubby be sort of insulted that i needed lube... but in a minute he loves it. we can a short time ago skip the foreplay for a quicky any time we want... minus the niggle afterwards.

Vaginal slit?

~~~it sounds close to you could possibly own a bladder infection,,,if you are anguished and you cannot finish urinating and you still perceive as if you call for to dance,,,thats probably what it is,,,,,you inevitability to bring back antibiotics from your Dr. If you are prone to bladder infections,,its a moral perception to drink cranberry liquid on a regular cause,,,,,but definatly see your Dr.....

question roughly speaking stretch grades.?

You may enjoy a bladder infection or cystitis. You may be allergic to the type of condom (if you're using one) or to the lube that you are using or even (it's irregular but possible) to your husband's semen.

You requirement to find out precisely what is scheduled and how to accord next to it. That manner that you requirement to see your doctor.

Birth Control Help!!?

Could be a bladder infection. I wouldnt really know, I'm not a doctor, my proposal is to shift see your doc and achieve it checked.

I am 13 and hold not started my time of year i own have doomed to failure lower tummy pains and a brown discharge.?

You really do necessitate to see a doctor.

Go to a womanly doctor if you're more comfortable.

If you don't catch this checked out it could effect your uterus / bladder / cervix etc.

Put your mind at improve and see a doctor.

Pelvic Pain?

yeah, you entail to pee back you hold sex, Im equal road the dr, told me it cause bladder infections if you dont where on earth theres extra urine in the bladder an the thrusting make it give the impression of being more full an its basically approaching holding you pee for a long spell of time..

Hymen problem?

If it be merely after you have sex, it could be a short time ago a small rip or sore surrounded by that nouns, and when you pee, urine get on it and burns. It have happen to me up to that time. Unless it continues, i really wouldnt verbs something like it!

What could this be?

You may enjoy UTI, in attendance is some monistat overthecounter pills that relieve. But other consult a doctor or pharmacist. If you do hold it, and settle on to pilfer the over the counter pills, your pee will be colored, resembling pitch-black red. Its really unusual, but it's middle-of-the-road. I have that same problem once and my doctor prescribed me some pills that dyed my pee blue, i feel so cool. Also he told me to nick some acetaminophen, panadol or tylenol as this can give a hand a moment or two but the pills work best. Put a day by day wipe while you are on the treatment cuz you may stain your undies.

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What is the difference between a yeast infection and discharge?

There are in actuality a couple of things that could be cause this, I've have matching issues. The first time I finished up have a bladder infection, which doesnt come across serious but could wind up up next to life-altering effects but for treated properly. I didnt treat mine until I could no longer undressed the spasm, and in a minute I acquire the luxery of constant bladder infections and re-accuring kidney stones. The discomfort is unreal, so please dont agree to it win that far.
It could also simply be irritation contained by your vagina from have sex. That have happen to me as economically. If you dont own plenty lube when you start, the inside of your vagina get irritated, which you dont realize during sex because lubrication eventually happen. When you urinate, the urine could be hitting those irritated spots and cause the discomfort.
All contained by adjectives, I would freshly carry checked for a bladder infection. Its worth it. Please help yourself to supervision of yourself, and I choice you the best of luck.

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