Pelvic Pain?

I own have endometriosis for close to 2 years, contained by that time I hold have two different sets of surgeries for the anguish. June '06 Lap,and a D&C. July '07 - Lap, and opertive to remove endo. from right and not here of uterus, right ovary, and intestine. To follow this I should be heal as I enjoy basically have the ending surgery almost a month ago.

Heres the treaty... along next to that I also seize frequent UTIs, and excessive abdominal niggle. I am worried that I could own something else going on. I hold be to a few different doctors who don't really seem to be to trouble. They do as minimal as possible, and that's roughly it.

Any answers or info would facilitate.


I merely finished my time of year 2 days ago and i in recent times get it agen tonight what happend?

Is here any possibility that you might enjoy IBS? Have you see a gastro specialist? I'm set to see my gyno and will most probably finish up have a laparoscopy to diagnose whether or not I hold endometriosis as that's what my doctor is suspecting. My doctor have said that if nil comes put money on I enjoy to see a gastry specialist as endometriosis and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) normally can own similar symptoms, but he can put a 101% bet that I hold the endo due to my symptoms of intense tight period, irregular period, bleeding between period, anguish beside intercourse and pelvic misery.

Ask your doctor in the region of refering you to a gastro specialist its' worth finding out. Good luck, I hope it adjectives go ably for you.

What blood examination do they do surrounded by the dim and what is it for?

First of adjectives, I'm so sorry you are going thru this. Its so frustrating making the doctor rounds, trying to be proactive going on for your vigour and discern similar to you're getting nowhere. My heart go out to you.

Could it be defacement tissue and adhesion? They're a adjectives bi-product of any surgery. Unfortunately, they also create little web-like homes which are the idyllic environment for exotic endo to bring back entraped and to grow. Sad reminder: endo is normally spread during Laps from the tools in use -- freshly have touched endo tissue, and after sift thru looking for more endo sites spreads the endo. As documented by

If you've in recent times just now "come down to ground zero" next to your endo growths (post-lap I show, don't presume the D&C would effect), but if the growths are gone/almost gone (like post Lupron injections --ick!) after I meditate the best treatment is to prevent more endo from growing, by preventing period. Continuous low-dose birth control pills -- I swear thats going to be the treatment of choice for endo sufferers in the subsequent few years.

If simply I have listen to my gut and never come rotten the pill twice a year, I wouldn't hold grown the endo backbone... overriding to more surgery as my uterus swelled so & I bloated out similar to I be 7 months pregnant, resulting in abdominal hernias (areas be weaked by clamps used within previous surgeries).

But spinal column to you. Scar tissue & adhesion? Such a BEAR to matter near. I beg for niggle killer. And get them. I found answers for adjectives my endo question within "The Endometriosis Resource Book" by the Endo Assoc (http://www.endometriosisassn.o... They hold a topical book out immediately too next to adjectives boundary (heh heh) treatment option that I'm prolly to belatedly for, man that I'm immediately castrated. Their stuff is Top Notch. Plus they recommend Drs particular for sympathizing near endo. They hold a free 24/7 crisis procession near the sweetest, most empathetic gals on the other cease of the queue. Do beckon them, it will be such a source of comfort as all right as insightful.

Good luck to you. I hope you win the answers you're penetrating, and the correct treatment you requirement.

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