Late / Missing period & tough stomach?

I had my second period April 24 - April 26
My stomachs be hard for roughly speaking 1 month
and my period is 4 days late
i took 4 home pregnacy test and they are all negative

Girls lone, and I mean GIRLS single! No this is NOT a boob question for u intrusive guys!?

ok relax here a second.. your not technically considered late. you said april 24th - 26th be your last monthly. 28 - 30 days is the average for most women. some sooner some following depends on a lot of things. from have a cold and being on an antibiotic can end in it to be late or rash, stress most definately can cause it to be for a while later after usual.
hon you need to remember monthly's do not other come on schedule. they can be rash and they can be late. since you did 4 pregnancy test and they were unenthusiastic, most likely that thorny belly of yours is just bloating and you will soon capture it. even if you were 1 mo. pregnant your belly would not be tough. i remember how i was when i "thought" i be pregnant at an early age. i did the in one piece test piece and worried and before i know it i had gotten it. you also could be irregular to. i be irregular for many years. very soon i dont have that to verbs about.
presently if you go 1 more month short it then be concerned. for presently your still within that time frame. oh so you know, formulate sure about in a minute you start wearing a pantiliner or something thin for when you do get it you do not wrapping up up being somewhere where you cant whip care of things and it wont be an degrading situation. there are not other signs of it comming on. but the hard belly as you call for it "bloating" is a sign. headachey, feeling hotter afterwards usual or chilled are just some of the signs i use to take prior or right at the time when it comes. if you still feel concerned dance to the ob-gyn dr. and have them do a wassermans experiment on you perhaps blood work also. for very soon dont stress over it. if your sexually active afterwards look into different protections ways of birth control. just remember though they are not 100%. you can be on the pill and still procure pregnant. my son is proof of that theory. within other words if your on an antibiotic it lessens the potency of the pill. contained by return your 99.9999% of not getting pregnant comes down to great possibility.

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Sometimes this just occur in women your intricate stomach is probably the cramps you are getting from your period sometimes this occur to me if you dont get your time a week from today i would go to a doctor relay him your syptoms and see wats wrong...Good luck=]

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have you be working out more?
because if you started working out your body is adjusting to the untried feel of getting in shape, your term can be missed. it happens to lots of citizens when they start getting heatlthy, your body needs to shut in up with its self. as far as a tough stomach, feel for your abs, if you working out. and doing ab workouts, within a good prospect your getting harder abs.

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my cousin is pregnant and her stomach started getting hard at 3 weeks,.. best bet is just to travel to the docter

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