14 years ancient.no length?

I am 14 years old, and I still have not started my time. All of my close friends (except for 1) have started, and one is even a gymnast (they usually start later). My mom started late, so I never expected to start impulsive, but when my friends and I hang out and they are talking nearly their periods, I feel character of left out. They know I haven't started, and I'm not embarrassed roughly speaking it, but I sort of feel like a short time kid when it comes up in discussion and I just enjoy to nod along. I started puberty around the same time as the rest of them, so are there any explanations why I haven't started too?

Answers:    I know how you consistency, I only got mine when I be 16. Imagine being in 11th category and still not have started your period. I know it is tough when everyone around you have theirs and they are talking about it. I required mine badly too. All you can do is be patient. Your time will come previously you know it..
Some girls start at 11, others 18. You really won't know until you start. Be thankful you don't have cramps gnaw at your stomache.

Instead of just nodding your head when the girls are chitchat about their periods, ask them question you have about what have your period is like and what products to use and lug to help ease your time, etc. They'll be happy to answer your questions for you--that's what friends are for!.
Well the reality that your mom started late is probably why you haven't started yet. Girls usually follow surrounded by their mothers pattern. Try not to rush it. Studies show that getting your period next is actually healthier. Not with the sole purpose that, you won't have to deal beside it as long as others! LOL Hang tough, it'll be here before you know it. at that age, its the only interesting item to talk about. turn the conversation elsewhere. verbalize about a boy or something. and everyone just requests to announce that they got their period to look elder. no one is really so excited by it. you can't make it start and there's nought wrong with you. its just adjectives genetic. just wait for it; you might bring back it tomorrow, who knows. .
Explanation basically is that yeah, your mom get it later on too, and your body just isn't equipped yet. Trust me, don't be embaressed or feel close to a kid. Actually feed grateful when your friends are talking almost it because getting your period is pretty much just annoying for the most slice. lol your lucky you DONT have it. its probably because your mom got it unpaid. My friend's mom got it late too and my friend doesnt enjoy it either. and when you get it you stop growing. and if your already short your not gonna grow anymore which stinks. so its probably better not to hold it. (:.
Everyone start at a different age.some start as early as 9 and some get it as belatedly as 18. So your time will come.

And trust me.you dont wanna get your period...ugh the stomach pains are really annoying and you never know if you might escape out etc. Be GLAD you dont have it yet.
u havent started because of ur mom,
believe me u DO NOT want your interval,
its just one more big item to worry about,
be relieved that u havent started
i wanted to start out when i was 16 but i be WAY off,
i stared when i was 12.
girl dont touch bad. today is the secound day of my severely first period. I am 15 years old! it will come, I be like you nervous and feel bad cause adjectives my friends started. trust me, once it comes, you will wish it had'nt. And I have have it for only 2 days.... You have until 18 to receive your period.Try not rushing it.I got mine when i be ten and its probably just as hard.Go to www.beinggirl.com you should bring it soon and that site can help you prepare..
Don't feel doomed to failure. You're just a late bloomer. Hardly that. You're still infantile! : D girl, having your period is note great.
goodluck hun, it will come. When it does - CONGRATS. well if your mom started late you might its possibly genetic.
Just hang around
theres nothing wrong with that
its inbred

i started it at the end of 8th grade

thats common. the time you should be worried is when your about 16 or 17. but alot of other pple are like you too It's merely your genetics, that happens sometimes. Nothing to verbs about. It will come sooner or later..
thats fine, my mom get it at 17. consider yourself lucky. its not a lot of fun starting your period. dont verbs. my mom didnt start until she was 16..
You and I are exactly the same solitary I'm 13. All of my friends except for one have started. And whenever they talk more or less, I always feel gone out, and I can never say anything because I haven't experienced it yet. They're other like, I have cramps soooo desperate. And I'm just like oh. But the merely reason why I don't want my period is because I'm afraid of the cramps and stuff and I won't be capable of concentrate during school due to the cramps. But a lot of relations will say be lucky you don't have it. I started puberty probably even until that time some of them that have already started!! I know EXACTLY how you feel!

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