Period help...?

so i get my term for the first time closing month, surrounded by 2 days it will be exactly one month. I'm starting to receive more discharge contained by my underwear, does that indicate im going to catch my time again, or is it nought?


What are ur thoughts on abortion I 100% Dont believe surrounded by them?

In the origin, until your body get into a rhythm, your period will be irregular. They may not even look resembling you're have a time of year. So it is entirely possible that the discharge is your subsequent time on its agency.

If you're really worried something like it, you can see your doctor. But probability are, what you're experiencing is totally ordinary.

Small breasts?

yes it meaans your gonna seize it again soon so get a wipe or tampon where on earth ever you travel incase it happen

How do i be paid my boobs bigger?

yup so be prepared!

What Is This..?!!?

Carry a wipe beside you.
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