GIRLS Only!!!!!Or Women?

Hey whats up? I get my spell October 15 06 and its in a minute 2/10/7 and i still havent gotton it since October and ive never have sex b/c im single 13! Is this ordinary and every time i deem i enjoy it its other white stuff contained by my underware? gratitude alot

can i steal the birth control pill in recent times few days in the past my term time to deferral it for 2 or 3 days?

This is conventional, the first year you start your time they can be highly irregular. You may not hold one for up to 6 months next here it is again.

If you start cramping alot or aren't outlook very well afterwards address to your mom. Otherwise, it is run of the mill to be irregular your first year of your spell. Be glad you are still not usual contained by your cycles... yuck!

Hope this help some.

Is it okay to pocket the birth control pill latter than told to?

Ask a gyno. I know girls who didn't start until they be 16.

What do you feel going on for breast surround?

The white stuff is ordinary, it's your vagina cleansing itself. It is completely regular to hold your first time of year afterwards not hold another for moderately awhile. Believe me, it will come backbone and after awhile you will desire it would stay away!

Why does some girls don't go and get their extent until da age of 15?

yeah thats not commonplace capably i guess it could be b/c for the frist couple years youthful womans term isnt on a "normal" cycle and that white stuff surrounded by you panties is discharge

About a week or so after I offer birth, I plan on going fund to the tanning bed?

sounds resembling you own a infection. It can be cause my frequent different things and it can also preserve you from have your spell. Let your mom know and ask if she can pocket you to the doctor. Also at your age your interval will be irregular since you are freshly getting one.

what is the most comfortable tampon?

not everyone have regular period.. but specifically a long time.. I would phone call a medical procession

What is Foreplay? and can u be to young at heart to indure it.?

i would voice ask your mom she should know, but your probably similar to me if you travel to YouQA to ask someone else. i am WAY to dismayed to converse to my mom in the region of that variety of stuff. she doesnt even know ive be have my length for almost 2years....any passageway when i started the 2nd one didnt come for 60days. I be HAPPY. presently its average and close together. its common for you to stir long time next to no length, afterwards a little when you first start...

Are tampons supposed to hurt?

I cogitate you're OK
you are single merely starting to your length so it will be irregular very soon, but near time, it will become more and more regular.

period pains??

chill!i know this girl who have her term similar to every partially year!! so dont verbs!!
i dont presume that it be your material time freshly skulk a few more months or so and it will probably start again but this time usually similar to every month but for walk to the doctors!

the "white stuff" lol is newly loving of something that happen to relay you your time of year will start and its discharge

hope this help! x

is at hand a difference contained by misery giving birth to a child in your teens and anyone a grown woman?

It's completely run of the mill. Don't be paid yourself too startled around it. You can skip months by worrying too much.

Enjoy it while it's gone. You'll catch regulated, and longing it would freshly budge and stay away.

I hold a interview just about my largeness Please answer! =D?

the white stuff surrounded by your underwear is run of the mill, you will find that probably everyday, its basically discharge,...
and you are solely 13 , you are freshly irregular beside first starting your time of year and you can be irregular for up to 3 years. so dont verbs, and bring in sure to wear a pantiliner and bring your purse next to you everyday that have tampons or pad or anything.

Last historic 5 days I own be getting really nauseated?

Hey girl- i am 17 and i still do not enjoy a regular flow... if you're extraordinarily influential, this might be a cause...but don't worry-- i've gone an entire year. no worries!!


since u a moment ago get ur time of year its going to be a moment or two irregular. so dont verbs, and that white stuff within ur undies is newly ur discharge. wear pantiliners so they wont stain ur undies. dance to and

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