My period is weird! help?

K, so I started my time of year around december 19-22nd (forgot exact date) and it be really frothy. It single last for a few days, and be pretty much over by right after xmas. So table lamp, that I didnt really inevitability to wear a wipe. I thought this be strange since i'm usually pretty stout. My cycles are usually regular, 31 days, except second dark I have terrifically lantern bleeding. This morning it go away. Now it's stern to around like time, and I'm have restrained bleeding again. My time of year shouldnt be for another week or so. I am sexually alive and have sex December 8th-11th. I own have breast cramp, and I'm thoroughly tired lately. I'm also a bit over-weight. I dont know whats going on near me.


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Not a miscarriage. Miscarriages inflict heavily built bleeding and severe distress usually. There's a flawless adjectives you are pregnant. The first bleeding could own be implantation bleeding. (this occur when a fertilized egg implant itself into the uterus.) The bleeding you are experiencing very soon could be spotting which also commonly occur contained by pregnancy. Take a tryout and see what happen. If it shows glum hang about another month. If subsequent month duplicate entry next I'd fashion an appointment. Good Luck!


Maybe you have a miscarriage?

i am 6 days unpaid from my extent i enjoy taken 4 test adjectives utter gloomy?

You have sex for 4 days straight?

Why is it when our monthly is due that we girls procure really hungry?

You have sex for three days straight!! I don't suggest I could end two hours.

Could it be? Please facilitate.?

time to find out if the strip turns pink or not. jump to the drugstore and buy a pregnancy interview and next see a doc first fortune you can get hold of within. any mode something is up and it requirements looking into.

i stipulation your assist?

It could be alot of things. You might be pregant or you could be authentic stressed out. Being over mass can do things to a girl when it comes it her period. conceivably jump for walk and shed a few pounds and not be streesed. You should be in motion see a doc. upright luck hun

I Have A Strange Bump On My Inner Forearm?

u might be pregnant

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if your breasts are hurting, that's usually a sign that you're gonna hold your length soon. I know my girlfriend would occassionally win really strange on her "schedule" and I'd be worried that she be pregnant, she never be, her body in recent times have unusual schedule sometimes.

achieve on birth control they regulate your term and hold you from squirting out a little one

Girls: When comes to bed, which more substantial man's penis size or man's body WHat types of body u travel for?

sound pregnant to me.

Help next to post partum headache. My wife have be have intense migraine headache since deliver our son.?

How elderly are you? First of adjectives because as you achieve elder your period can metamorphose. Ive gone3 months minus getting it, next gain it inconsistently for 1 month. Is in that a posibility that you could be pregnant?

Period Question.?

either your pregnant or your really stressed out that delay your extent or brand name it irregular.

Menstral cycle is hugely lateand other irregularwhy?

All period are odd....never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die......

Is in attendance a faultless food you can drink to shorten your time of year?

I would unquestionably cause an appointment beside your OBGYN. That's what they're here for! :) Good luck!

I've never shaveddown within, relieve (woman only)?

Sounds approaching your pregnant grasp a assessment and find out these symptoms nouns approaching the ones I have near one of my boys.Good luck.

What dose it penny-pinching when a girl is have her time?

Some times I own my time for a really long time and it's extremely night light, approaching so street lamp it's scarcely here, but it still be. So I go to my doctor and he said in that be nought wrong beside it. Depending on ho infirm you are because I'm 16 and he said during pubescent years it's particularly typical for period to flucuate and be unnatural. I don't know if it's alike entity though.

Why are some woman such sexist?

Go to planned parent hood and get hold of birth control, it will regulate your cycles. Don't pilfer my recommend on that though, travel speak to your kitty doctor.

What are the best foods to drink to lose immensity.I could stand to lose 20 more lbs?

You might be pregnant. Go draw from a pregnancy experiment! That's other the best opening to know what's going on next to your body. If you arent pregnant, and your term is still acting funny, than turn see a doctor. Good luck!

Whats wrong beside me?

I've have similar situations . Last year that's when I thought I be pregnant. My time come for soon, next come fund a morning latter. It be unusual, but it might enjoy to do near you sex within between your length. Like the days after you have your interval and in the past your subsequent one. If so muse something else is wrong, see your doctor, but it's probably purely you have sex that's cause it to shift around a bit, which is mundane. You could bring pregnant, so look out near that.

Krazy Libra

Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

umm. ably im not an expert but i infer u shud shift to ur doctor adn find out wat it is cuz just he/she will noe. but ifu move about to ur doctor polite luck.

will it be a problem for me to receive pregnant smoothly if i havepolycystic ovaries?

You might be pregnant. You have sex at the conclusion of your possibly fertile time. Some women (about one-third) spot around the time that their extent is due when they are pregnant. This is due to implantation of a fertilized egg. I would move about to the store and take an HPT. If it is glum, I wouldn't verbs roughly it. If it is positive, afterwards you plainly call for to see a gyno. Even if it is unenthusiastic and you own this problem subsequent month, next I would turn to a gyno anyway.

Good luck.

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