Very rushed Birth Control Question?

This is my first month on birth control (how exciting!) and I just had a examine. Will my period start on the first white pill day? Or is it, close to, the second white pill day? And, is it almost for sure it will start on a particular time? Thanks for answering!

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The first couple of months on birth control are usually very irregular for most women. Some women spot for a couple weeks, start the day of the white pill, enjoy a one day period, hold a 10 day period, some don't experience any menstrual flow at adjectives the first couple months of taking birth control! So don't be nervous if you're cycle is extremely irregular for the first 3 months. After the first 3 months most women have their period on the first or second placebo (white) pill and will have their period for 3-5 days.
Good luck, and don't forget that birth control doesn't protect against stds so use a condom or acquire tested along with your partner!

How to stop or stoppage my time!? HELP?

Okay first of all depending on your cycle which adjectives women are not the same some have the ordinary 28 day cycle some don't so mine is always 26 days your extent depending on cycle could come the week of your little white pill or it could come the last week of the birth control pill itself. I would suggest looking at taking charge of your fertility book it can help you maintain track so that if you don't want to get pregnant you will know exactly how to manage your cycles and I hope that you enjoy better luck with the pill than I did.

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It could start on the first, very oil lamp, then the 2nd it could get a short time heavier...but generally your period will start inside the first 3 of the "period pills". And just for a moment side note, those pills are merely sugar pills and don't contain a hormone that causes your spell...its the lack of hormone in your system that cause it, so you really don't even have to take them.
Hope that help.

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OK I have been on BC for 10 years and I still cant predict what white pill hours of daylight it will start on , sometimes I have to start a new round and my interval isn't over, realistically , it is not perfect but it usually starts on the second or third white pill day and overtime your period will get a bit shorter. Just to let you know don't be shocked if you are excessively moody or gain consignment a bit this month for the next two months as the pill is just adjust to your body and vice versa! good luck!

Girl ask?

It usually takes a couple of cycles for your body to adjust to the pill. Most imagined your period will not start until the third or fourth white pill. After you've taken bc for awhile, you should be able to set your clock by your time! ;)

Is it my time of year?

every one is different im guessing then again iv neva ried the pill

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