Double dose of the pill?

i know this cant be appropriate but i merely requirement to prove it to my friend, shes taking the nuva ring and yasmin for her skin at indistinguishable time.. that cant be correct can it? and save should she skulk till the downfall of the yasmin pack this month to stop that one?


Is it ok to newly stop taking the pill?

It's not right for you at adjectives, contained by certainty it can motivation blood clots, close to another party mentioned, and could potentially make happen demise depending on the soul unsurprisingly. Not solitary is it not fit taking two different types of BC, but it's stupid as resourcefully. BC is something that you're suppose to bring a prescribed amount of, you don't ever pinch more hoping it will do anything else for you.

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I'm no doctor, but I am sure taking two different forms of birth control at indistinguishable time can't be adjectives that honourable. Good bring in her infertile?? Not sure. However if she is gonna switch to simply one, yes she should ween herself sour the other first. I would check near a doctor.

is this common when your on birth control?

Your friend is doing something greatly hazardous. Doubling birth control approaching that isn't going to be paid you smaller amount prown to pregnancies what it will do is furnish you an overload of hormones which can rationale your heart to stop or other medical problems.

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never appropriate a double dose of the pill. if she as have a doctors approval later it should be ok. the merely time a double dose is ok is when u hold skipped a pill thats when u help yourself to the pill for the daylight beforehand and that year.

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Your friend desires to consult to her doctor give or take a few that and permit him/her share her what she requirements to do.

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She is double dosing on hormonal birth control which is not a appropriate item.

She should pick one or the other. Ideally she would be taking them on the exact same cycle, so she removes the ring and stops the pill (or take the placebos) to start time of year.

Either mode, she should stop them both at alike time, hold a time and start one or the other the following week.

You girls really entail to procure professional direction just about the chemicals you put surrounded by your body. If you mess up, you may regret it!

High doses of thos hormones can basis blood clots and such.

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Well, you own to own a prescription for both drugs. So, within that grip a doctor would own have to prescribe it, and you would imagine that it would be impossible to tell apart doctor. I intuitively don't expect it could be fighting fit to be using two forms of birth control, and getting a double dose of hormones. But if one and the same doctor happily prescribed it... next i don't know. Hope this help!

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The ring if truth be told have better doses of hormones than other contraceptives. I don't deem that it would be a honest perception to thieve a double dose of anything , unless you are lower than a doctor's supervision. Anytime you are not taking prescription the approach it have be prescribed is potentially hazardous to your robustness.

Ok girls another sex put somebody through the mill?

Wow, she's REALLY polluting her body!

Here are a few links if you'd approaching to swot more roughly speaking the Big Announcement on Friday December 15th that, WITHOUT A DOUBT, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) cause breast cancer. Since the time when women be discouraged from taking HRT rear legs surrounded by 2001-2002, breast cancer rates enjoy sharply dropped by an unprecedented 7%! In the experimental community, this is a bombshell proof positive of the nouns. Note that breast cancer rates originally started increasing speedily when birth control pills and very soon other forms of hormonal birth control begin to be widely used. Hormonal birth control methods contain the SAME hormones that are also the most widely used in HRT (estrogen and progestin). Hormonal birth control methods include; The Pill, The Mini-Pill, The Patch, some types of IUDs, Nuva Ring, Depo Shots, and Nor-Plant. They adjectives administer alike hormones by different confinement methods. Hormone level within HRT are in actuality lower than level found surrounded by hormonal birth control methods. Consider that resting on the certainty that hormonal birth control methods are used by young at heart nourishing women near already middle-of-the-road level of essentially occurring hormones. They’re getting MASSIVE dosages, even near the more modern low-dose pills mortal used.

How long will we enjoy to lurk in the past the medical community admit to women that hormonal birth control methods are basically as uncertain as HRT? I hold a sense that it will be much longer, as hormonal birth control is considered to be the "holy grail" of "women's reproductive freedom". Never mind that women are dying of breast cancer at alarmingly increasing rates since 1974, around the time when highlight cases be approved and BC pills begin to be more widely used. Thirty years subsequently, we are reap the "benefits" of artificial hormones that are used to suppress and tinker near the inherent processes of the feminine body.

The womanly bodily functions of ovulation, pregnancy and menopause ARE NOT ILLNESSES. Medications should simply be taken when it's surely critical to prevent or cure ILLNESS, and afterwards ONLY if the benefit outweighs the risks. If you enjoy a medical condition that your doctor wishes to treat next to hormones, bring in sure to do YOUR research and confront his or her belief. Get a second or even a third view. Explore alternative treatments. Doctors are not infallible and at last, just YOU can determine the best course of deed beside high regard to your form. Only after you’ve exhausted your other option, if it is adjectives that hormones are the single treatment that make sense, next by adjectives technique, DO IT.

If you must practice birth control and cannot try thrift; condoms, contraceptive sponges, diaphragms, or cervical cap used correctly beside plenty of spermicide gel or foam, are STATISTICALLY JUST AS EFFECTIVE as hormonal birth control. Condoms also decline your probability of contracting an STD and they don't work by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg, approaching hormonal birth control does. If you are pro-life and believe that life begin at conception, this ending point should be of extraordinary interest to you. Abortifacient types of birth control also include non-hormonal types of IUDs, which work exclusively by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg…they don’t even ATTEMPT to stop ovulation and subsequent fertilization…and they can basis uterine perforation and other complications. Even if you DON’T enjoy any moral objection to the abortifacient birth control methods, at least possible stop using hormonal birth control and IUDs for the sake of your own vigour!


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