A question for females please.?

I am interested in audible range from anyone who know someone who get their first extent lacking knowing what it be. I know two women who experienced this and I'm wondering if this happen commonly or what the implication on the woman's self-image or confidence may be.

Im going on for to use a spermicidal condom.?

Personally, it happen contained by 7th echelon and one of my girlfriends told me she saw a dk. spot on my butt. We have spaghetti for lunch that daylight so she thought I sit contained by some. I go to the bathroom consequently to the nurse's bureau get a wipe. We call my mom who brought me another pr. of jeans, and time go on as usual. My Mom and I beacame more social on sex conversation, and my best friend be selfish it didn't appear to her even so. Hopefully your experience wasn't a doomed to failure one any. It's natural life honey, natural life throws a great deal of things your style when you are not slightly in place for them.

What is the FUNCTION of Blood Group of a father n mather during PREGNANCY?

It be great, I feel enormously lively.

Reporting a rape--if you're individual raped by a cop?

my grandma be 2 years old-fashioned. she be wearing a white dress, and she be climbing up a cherry tree, her dress be adjectives red, but she basically thought it be a bunch of cherry liquid. so she only go home and found out from her sister what a interval be, and that she be on a time of year.

Why be it hurting me?

That Happened To Me, And that be right since my athletics big see contained by essex.

I have to murmur to my mum around it, and she gae me the stuff lol.

I Think i sorted it out at last!

What is going on near my body?

Oh, I know what it be but, I remember impression wretched that afternoon.
I somehow feel that I could not play sports close to the guys and my younger sisters did.
Thank god .....I get over that hunch!
I'm elated to report that I'm currently alive beside sports.

I individual get ONE answer formerly, so im asking again :(?

i niggardly i know what it be but i didnt know what to expect do so when i did go and get it i though that it be simply something that i didnt know what it be and after it stopped for a couple house and afterwards i saw blood surrounded by my underwear again and i be at a friends house. thank god that her mom be here.

Period + dignified college tryouts = doomed to failure!?

Oh yeah...when I be surrounded by 7th class, and I come home from academy and go to the bathroom. Then I saw that my underwear have brownish streaks contained by it, and I a short time ago thought that I didn't wipe accurate (LOL :P) or something and simply disregarded it and get a investigational couple of underwear. Then then on that hours of darkness I go to the bathroom again and it happen again, and the toilet wet be adjectives red (it wasn't when I get home from college, so it must've stopped for a while). So I have to jump recount my mom, consequently I call one of my friends and told her, lol. It be a sucky morning.

I enjoy cysts on my ovaries but they are'nt polycystic according to the gynacologist who took my scan!?

I have no clue what it be. I be alarmed, and really freaked out. I thought I be dying because I have never bled within formerly. It sort of lowered my self-image for a bit, but after I realize that it happen and here is nil to be disconcerted going on for. It took me 6 years to realize this, but never overdue than never.

Why do women feat approaching an Hysterectomy is zilch?

I remember a woman recounting me her story- this be within my local country. She said that when she have hers for the first time, she thought she be going to die.... after that on, though when the Japanese invaded our country, she said that women used to rub chicken blood on their "vagaygay" to prevent individual forced to enjoy sex. She said that at one point a Japanese soldier tried to force her and her boyfriend (with whom she never have sex, yet) to complete sex within front of him, but luckily she have chicken blood within her panty. So, .... hey who would hold thought have blood adjectives over yourself down within could be a blessing? Interesting story isn't it? True story!

I hold freshly notice a bruise/lump?

I clean i be have my interval but it be a saterday morning and my mom be away 4 the weekend so i have to integer it out by myself because i be NOT going to update my dad.

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