I dont know what is the situation near me but i discern so down i shouldnt really as i enjoy get a wonderful hubby

please help do you think i call for a holiday

Answers:    You do know that having a wonderful hubby does not guarantee personal and emotional condition. Maybe a holiday will work. But if it doesn't then see a doctor - depression is pretty bad..
I dance throu the same thing every morning however i love my husband and i need nothing but love and vivacity doubt you need time away however how would you feel if he go away for a little while. Could you cope or would you miss him too much.???????
All you can do it try time out but you have to read between the lines he might be happier with out you. Not saying he will but every one requests a break sometime even if it means leaving respectively other. sorry the truth is sometimes to hard to hear Maybe you do, get away for a while and see how you discern when you come home. Think positive and make sure you have lots to do to preserve your mind occupied and do something to treat yourself this week.

Feel better.

When I say grasp away for a while, I mean you and hubby together :-).
you do need a holiday, budge with some girl friends and have a crow. you will appreciate what you have when you get home to your hubby. You call for to find something else to do in life. Its not adjectives about your hubby. Find a passion (not lust etc). Maybe do a course or something..
try treating ur self to some alon time

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