R most guys in middle school like this?

my ex bf cheated on me, lied to me, and broke promises so I dumped him but he really like me and be still friends. one nite I said to him that his friend told me that yhe like another girl. he said no. the subsequent year at lunch one of his friends tell me that hes gonna ask out another girl! I ta lked to him b4 and he said that he of late "forgets" things. IM in 6 level and im 11. But he did really resembling me, he is a player, but he care going on for me, MOST of the time. he said thaat his time is really rock-hard rite in a minute and he desires time to have an idea that things over bc his parents put him underneath so much presssure.

Eh - pregnancy + the pill.?

Yeah, most middle conservatory boys are a-holes because they expect that presently that they are contained by middle university, they are getting elder and ripened so that money they hold to work close to stupid players. Whatever. Just humiliate those jerk, truth will slap them surrounded by the frontage sometime, and after they'll probably stop their shaky behavior. Maybe. =P

what to do when u enjoy ur extent and u hold to tumble around?

its too infantile for u to return with into love

first u seize matured

plz assistance! ladies just.?

Well, first of adjectives, you're 11. You shouldn't even be dating right in a minute. Second, if he like you, he wouldn't cheat or fake. Kids today are trying to grow up approach too speedily! Enjoy person a kid while you can! There will be plenty of time for boys contained by a few years.

Depo Provera shot and eggs?

You're too youthful to be worrying roughly stuff close to this. Wait a few years until you can enjoy a tangible relationship. The stuff when you're younger is in recent times stupid.

Women, do you prefer a circumcized or uncircumcized man?

You're with the sole purpose contained by 6th title. You and the boys are not hoary ample to be contained by relationships. Of course they will be approaching that because they are still unripe. Stop trying to grow up so hurriedly and remain young at heart. Forget more or less boyfriends and concentrate on your instruction.

period twice a month?

The best piece to do is not to verbs! You're merely within sixth position and within will be tons of guys out in that but mind your Ps and Qs. Yes, most guys are approaching this but not adjectives of them. Try getting to know them better since you start dating, any ways you're simply 11 so dating shouldn't be top priority.

My friend took a pregnancy oral exam and both read positive. Is it possible that they can be wrong?

dump him


Yes you are too young-looking to be dating.You should be out have fun beside your girlfriends and focusing on study,Boys at this age are unripe.Concentrate on friendship fairly than boy girl relationship.

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