Constant chest/rib dull pain?costochondritis??

ive had this almost moving chest pain for a few months. it seem to be muscular because it hurts most when i press on my ribs or into my boobs. right now the pain is within the upper right area and in my lower disappeared boob(again more rib pain when i press here) ive had blood work, ecg, xrays, and be at the doc 2 weeks ago, at that point the pain was fully underneath my left boob, and she said it was a pulled muscle. i havent lift anything heavy since n why would the pain move if it be a pulled muscle. for the most part it is just mortified, but hurts when pressure is applied, and is quite constant. im not too worried about my heart as it doesnt increase if i extert myself..newly wondering does this sound like costochondritis to anyone who have it?? i would really appreciate any help


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Hiya :) I have be going though the exact same thing for the last 6 months. I have a rib out of place on top of everything else...something you might want to go and get checked out because it didn't show up on the multiple x-rays that I had. I got a great deal better when that was taken care of but I in recent times started a new job and am at a unmarked desk and a new chair so the costocondritis is flareing again. The individual advice I can give is keep on and prolly get a script for the anxiety (sorry, at work and spelling sucks) because the entry that sucks the most about this condition is the fact that nil can be done besides treat the symptoms and I know I started to freak out because its taking so long to heal. but bottom line is it sounds exactly similar to anytime if you wanna complain! enchanted_mydnight(a)

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I am going through the EXACT same thing right now. Been dealing beside this 3 weeks, right after I got over a bad week long cold! Doc said my heartbeat and blood pressure be fine...and I,too, do not have heart racing issues when I exert myself. I construe it is costochronditis, which appears mostly in women who are highly stressed or enjoy gotten some sort of viral infection.

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It seems to be a good guess if it simply hurts when you press there. In that case you hold nothing to worry just's not your heart and not your's not a hernia obviously or they would have found it by in a minute.. so it seems don't press on it.. If it be your heart or lungs it woul definitely affect you when you exert yourself...probably an inflammation where the intercostal bones get together behind the sternum...maybe surrounded by some case Ibuprofen helps if the nerves are inflamed...but you say-so you have no pain unless you press I would not do anything..
Costochondritis is a condition that cause chest pain due to inflammation of the cartilage and bones in the chest wall if the headache gets bad try ibuprofen against the

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