Why Cramps after Sex?

Tonight I have some lower abdominal cramping after sex. I be lay contained by bed and it be past its sell-by date & on for around 1/2 an hour. Could this be from trying a latest position tonight? (not an STD & term terminated later week so not PMS)


No spell for 3 months, 16 years matured.time for a doctor?

He might of go to complicated when you be have sex, that happend to me once and it hurt resembling hell, but that darkness when i go to sleep the anguish be gone. Try taking some tylonal next soak contained by a hot hip bath to see if that relieves any misery try using a heat wipe to when you dance to sleep. If that dont work, see a doctor and ask him (or her) what you can do abt it. Good Luck hun

is it true that you will merely start your menstrel cycle when your 100 pounds ??

most promising. What position? you hold to be cautious near that. Or, you could be have too much sex, which CAN in actual fact front to PID, pelvic inflammatory disease. I kid you not.
Are you still modern at sex? When you first own sex, a girl requirements to run at LEAST a week since she have sex again so she can "restore to health up" down within.
My guess is it's probably from the exotic position. But you might want to consider adjectives final for a time. A little dull pain, can become a bigger distress then except care for.
Best of Luck,
OH btw, it could be you're suddenly allergic to latex? could be the condom

I'm 53 and hold vaginia dryness, what can I do for it?

It could be because your uterus and cervix are still tender from have your time of year and I've notice that it happen to me when I dont drink ample wet also.... provide the doc a swift beckon and see what he/she think... apposite luck

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