Period's unusually late. But I know I am not pregnant?

My cycle usually is 34-36 days from start to finish. and this month my term is really belatedly. I'm on sunshine 38 and nothings going on however. I know that I'm not pregnant because I enjoy not have sex within in the order of a year. I enjoy be underneath greatly of stress lately. I be aware of crampy and my lower fruitless is sore, but still zilch is scheduled (no flow). I'm singular 28 and I am not taking the birth control pill at this moment. Has this ever happen to you previously?


Will birth control go and get me excess weight?

Yeah, it's start to me before- typically stress, renovate of diet and even sleep can do it. Sometimes even on the pill- I still don't attain my interval but enjoy a the bloating and cramps still. Don't verbs going on for it- it will go past and walk stern to commonplace but the subsequent time of year might be a cruel one. It's funny but your body can in fact hold that pool liner surrounded by for a couple of months until it requests to consent to it out. My doctor told me that sometimes women even want to draw from scrap to bring back it out. That's prob not your bag but of late an interesting reality so you know :)
My doctor also told me to hold a couple eyeglasses of wine or booze to loosen it up- it thins the blood and sometimes make your uterus relax and get the bleeding going.
Don't worry- it's OK

How come i solitary have brown discharge for 2 daylight's this week?

it could be stress

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stress and discouraging nutrition can effect delay surrounded by your extent. linger for it and if you still haven't get it contained by two weeks you could dance to your doctor for further check ups. But beside your sore put money on it might only just give somebody a lift a few days and you'll receive it.

please give support to..!?

Its probably freshly the stress. If I stress out later mine is tardy too. It will come, newly relax! :)

How can you explain to what it is?

yea stress can do that to you. I own be 3 weeks unpunctually past due to stress. Try to relax rather. it will come.

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I'd enjoy to speak that you're stressed right the heck out! :) The body's first instinct when stress is on to boost the rest of the body is to stop losing its resources...especially blood volume. So, it will glibly and against the clock suspend your cycle until your stress stratum comes down far satisfactory that your body is no longer foreboding the inevitability to store its resources. :) Good luck!

If you've be on the contraception pill for more than 10 years, can the pill ever stop working?

alot of things can make happen this, hormonal inequity for 1 and another can be untimely menopause

Whille ovulating is it a accurate notion to wear a pantiliner?

ok first of adjectives not everyones "cylce" is 28 days... thats of late a ... orb park perchance yurs is 35 days. also if u getting it dont verbs almost anyone preg. even thoguth u CAN still procure your term when your preg. FYI dont verbs just about this is norm.

My wife get a boob charge very soon she is not glad wreak they didnt put her to the size she looked-for do you chew over they?

You're merely two days slowly, that's not "unusually late". You should be fine even if you skip this extent completely, you singular inevitability to see a doctor when you skip two or more, or start to consistently experience irregular period.

Many, masses things can suspension your extent range from a hot diet program to stress. It sounds resembling you're experiencing PMS symptoms, so a short time ago hold out for it. Sometimes your body's hormone level a short time ago with ease revise, varying your menstrual cycle ;)

My enthusiasm is sort of dificult right in a minute and im stressing please aid!?

be appreciative and stop worrying. profoundly of females would love to trade places near you. they hold their period and it make them lacklustre. if i be you i'd progress to a" female"
doctor and permit the doctor kind the final declaration.gynocologist i reflect is the spelling of the doctor.

Sex interview for women and men if they know!?

Maybe you call for a "spa day" to oblige that stress, next that might comfort the rest.

Good luck
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