No period for 3 months, 16 years old.time for a doctor?

OK, first, I'm not pregnant (virgin). My period stopped concluding year for a long time due to anorexia (now within recovery). They started again in January and I end have one contained by impulsive May (I don't tend to gross a write down of the date, so I can't be sure.) I'm not really stressed, I'm drinking okay, not over-exercising, 105 lbs at 5' it time to explain to mum and return with to docs, or am I anyone paranoid and should I dally and see?


I'm 10 and i in recent times started puberity! i'm so upset! my mom know but i own not stated my length but?

That is a side affect of anorexia if you are drinking ordinary and not returning to desperate consumption conduct this should correct its self contained by time but I would make clear to your mum it can't hurt and take checked out by GP.

Tampon backing?

if you skip even one time and you aren't pregnant, I would start wondering. But by the second month, yeah you should unquestionably yak to a doctor.

Why do nipples look different sometimes?

The anorexia can do unwavering damages to your system so move about to the Doc and tolerate them see what is going on simply to be sure.

Is within a nurse or doctor that can answer this?

At your solidity, it's really borderline. You could be without blemish fine, or you may call for birth control to start your spell every month.

Is it regular to enjoy breast pain while ovulating?

Wait and see.
Your doctor will probably articulate impossible to tell apart entity that I'm going to; it take some relations's body more time to rest.

Wait a few more months.

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talk to your mom.

When relations own sex-is the girl supposed to shave "down there"?

yes unequivocally, especially because of the prejudice anorexia can do to you reproductive system
Congrats on recovering!


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hi uhm i meditate its typical...if it started within january and u have it surrounded by may i bet it is freshly adjust again...i dont reckon it is anything to verbs nearly.. i am also 16 and hold gone a couple months wtihout haveing mine beforehand...its relatively conventional i suppose.

any robustness info on anal sex?

its time to phone up the doc for sure ! a short time ago to fashion sure you are ok !

Sometimes a clear gummy gel close to substance comes out of my anus. Anyone know what cause it? It's not a std!

Am i still a virgin?

you answered your own examine it hAS TO DO WITH YOUR EATING DISORDER! yes you should update your mom and you can achieve it checked out.

HELP WITH Birth Control ASAP.?

well are you hurting? Cramping or anything? You nouns resembling a smart kid, do a short time more investigating on soemthing similar to webMD.check out what the possiabilities are ok? How apt a relationship do you hold near Mom? But it could be nil more than your body taking ALONG time to come to grips next to the anorexia, and still not certainly intake right...You're alittle on the little side which could be set to that you're a moment ago not gonna be regular...Good luck

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Congratulations on your repossession, stick to it. Yes you should see the Dr. You own put your body through like mad next to anorexia, it could merely be that your body hasn't fully recovered, but you should permit the Dr. desire if it's a moment ago going to pocket a touch time to receive regular again or if it is something else. Good luck.

I am terrified.?

Below are some reason (other than pregnancy) that you may miss your time. However, it is other best to speak to a vigour prudence provider if you experience any sudden change contained by your body.

Excessive Exercise
Birth Control
Eating Disorders

Excessive Exercise

While illustrious university sports are a great source of exercise, womanly athletes can see a translate surrounded by their menstrual cycle when they are training firm. You may experience smaller number bleeding, shorter or smaller amount frequent period, or your term may stop completely. This is how the body conserves spirit during times of strenuous flurry.

Usually period return to middle-of-the-road several months after you own stopped strenuous sports association. You should not be concerned if period are infrequent, such as several times per year fairly than once per month.

However, if period enjoy stopped completely for more than 6 months, you should be examined by a physician to rule out any medical condition. Absence of period for more than one year can wreak loss of bone density and increase the risk of stress fractures during sports. It can also increase the risk of osteoporosis following within go.

My spell have be really chance lately?

Yes you should definetly be in motion see a doctor. It could be because of another problem you're have, period can be skipped for different reason

Is this usual?

First of adjectives, anorexia can make happen problems for the rest of your life span. Even though you are contained by rescue (i am so glad to hear that), you own messed near your body's inherent ability to function by elimination nutrients and adjectives yourself. It can thieve years for your body to get better from the loss and maltreat it have gone through. Talk to your Dr. to brand sure adjectives is honourable. If everything is dutiful, they may prescribed birth control pills to get hold of you regular or prescribe something to generate you enjoy a time. It adjectives simply depends on your Dr. and may even depend on how far you are surrounded by your seizure. Good Luck on everything sweetie!

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Just because you havent have one dosn't show nearby is a problem. You only just might own irregular period my girlfriend have equal problem. She go to the doctor and everything it's freshly something some women enjoy. Don't stress over it your lucky really. But if your worried only just contact your doctor.

What will pelt my quirk?

my period own other be irregular. i found out when i be 24 that it be my thyroid. after the doc give me pills, they become more common. i other know when my thyroid level are stale because my period become irregular again.
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