I'm 53 and have vaginia dryness, what can I do for it?


Curious and confused.?

I would suggest using Ky Moisture Enchancing Silk-E it is for women and it is locked and placid adequate to use ever hours of daylight it will in half a shake relieve vaginal dryness or Ky Long Lasting vaginal moisturizer convenient prefilled applicators next to vitamin E last for days and are roughly speaking $12 and they are great products. hope this help you.

What do i do to prevent getting my underwear bloody overnight during my extent?

ask your doc for lotion or a cream.

How am i going to obtain rid of my down on my leg lastingly or ultimate for a long time?

go to the doctor and acquire some estrogen vaginal cream.

Why does my vaginal discharge smell approaching onions?

lube? hold you gone through menopause? this is mundane from what i hear. speech to your doctor - at hand are lot of creams and such they can prescribe you.

is near a home remedy for bacterial vaginosis.?

they vend stuff for that at the walmart

I'm miserableplease abet?

estrogen cream, and ask for some backrubs from a 6'4" 23 year elderly stud similar to me =)

Passing huge Blood clots?

Astroglide is a wonderful product for that problem. I'm 44 and have a total hysterectomy, and it works wonders for me. If it's a constant problem, your doctor can bestow you a topical hormone cream.

What is the usual age for Woment to draw from ovarian cyst?

Your gyn can prescribe some low-does estrogen cream that you can apply to the vagina to oblige advance the dryness. You can also use a water-based lubricant during sex, or use a moisturizer approaching Replens which you can receive at a drug store. Be sure you are drinking ample fluids, as dehydration will affect adjectives mucous membranes.

Has the Nuva ring cause anyone to own change surrounded by their libido?

You can bring back premarin cream from your doc. For lubrication they usually recommend Astroglide or you could try Replens.

What could start if I DID consent to him do it?

I'd suggest trying an over the counter product call Replens. It's a vaginal moisturizer specifically designed to treat postmenopausal (or postpartum) vaginal atrophy, which you own. Using a lubricant when you enjoy intercourse may oblige, too.

If that doesn't come across to do it, you may want to speech to your doctor and consider an estrogen cream to place surrounded by the vagina a couple times a week to relief revolutionize the symptoms. The vaginal tissue is enormously sensitive to estrogen, and thins after menopause because of the lower estrogen level surrounded by your body.

If this be a sudden beginning, you should see you doctor to trade name sure it's not man cause by a fungal or bacterial infection.

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You can use lube, as expected.

If you're really , really concerned roughly this, speak near your doctor. But as we age, this is something that can surface. Men's sexual responses switch on to slow down as they age, too.

Does anyone own a Intruterine Device? IUD?


Ladies: Wouldn't you be touched if your co-worker loaned you a tampon?

may be you can discuss you problem at hand too http://secrecy.jconserv.net

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