It it actually true that women who work together or live together....?

menstruate at like peas in a pod time? My mate Duncan works within a BT beckon foundation and say that its true.

Shaving pubic mane?

Yes it is true for some motivation. Why? Because explicitly the method it go - probably from some ancient breeding ritual ingrained on the other hand lost contained by out brains. How do I know? I go to college and lived contained by a dorm! I also widely read at college that one and the same entry happen to rodents that live together. Hmmmmmmm. What does that let somebody know us? Me - nil.

i inevitability your give support to!?

yes, its true

All women who enjoy have period, breakthrough bleeding ect?

yes its true!

Using tampax for the first time? support?

It can be - the hormones released at that time, a few particle are airborn, and other women hold your attention these and it can set their cycle stale - I have an idea that that's it, I can't remember exactly.

WOMAN ONLY.. really men.. you dont want to answer..?

i know why.
it go subsidise to the days when those used to live within cave and that bearing (most of them) have babies together and consequently if one dies surrounded by childbirth afterwards another woman could pocket over the feed (remember this is until that time they have bottles)

do i bring the 10 points for one the first creature to correctly articulate why? :-)

Tightness surrounded by chest?

I can describe you that it is strange but true.

Most Women Arnt Virgins Even If They Havent Had Sex?

Among women living closely together, the onset of menstruation may tend to synchronise somewhat.

This Menstrual synchrony be first described surrounded by 1971, and possibly explained by the endeavour of pheromones within 1998.

However, subsequent research have call this conclusion into cross-question.

Is it impossible to wear tampons wager on to hindmost?

definitely true. forget why....

Ejaculating Inside a Woman While taking Birth Control Pills?

Yes, sometimes; it is call menstrual synchrony. It doesn't other occur, however. Here is bit of original, brief info almost synchrony when it does turn out...

Synchronous menstruation be first described within 1971 by researchers McClintock and Stern. It is a proven trend, borne out by secondary studies. Though they are still unformed as to exactly why it occur, the most widely standard assumption is that it is due to pheromones. Others deliberate it's due to some evolutionary carry-over from prehistoric times, when it be adjectives for men to lift multiple mate to ensure the survival of the species, but the pheremone notion make more sense...

McClintock, M. K. (2000). Human pheromones: primers, releasers, signalers or modulators? In K. Wallen and J. Schneider (Eds.), Reproduction in Context: Social and Environmental Influences on Reproductive Physiology and Behavior. MIT Press. Pp. 355-420.

McClintock, M. K. (1998). Whither menstrual synchrony? Annual Review of Sexual Research, 9, 77-95.

Swimming in tarn sea on your extent?

Yes weirdly ample it is true, not to sure why though. Maybe it's a sympathy item! I sympathise beside every womanly who have to hold the awful bloody things every month!

Mentruation problems?

it is true strangely satisfactory.
I conjecture it because we are adjectives lioness' competing for the alpha mannish.

How much should i weigh?

women who spend alot of time together usually hold nearby period around like time dont enjoy a clue why it only just happen my friend and i used to spend alot of time together at conservatory and out of it and we started ours on alike daylight every month in an hour of respectively other

What is the birth age of females have an orgasm?

yep. it's a lunar item.

How do i Make my term failure sooner?

Yes it can appear and does occur!

What make period dance away faster?

Ye sit is true. I hold 7 children, 5 of which are girls and three of them own "started". We adjectives start in a few days of respectively other. I guess my system is fundamentally sensitive because these girls own me adjectives messed up! :) They adjectives start right on their schedule and I am other bouncing put a bet on and forth. Sometimes I even hold it twice a month and others its once for single 2-3 days. I own no opinion why it happen. I decision in that be a mode to formulate it stop so I could be on a "schedule" beside it again.
When I get pregnant near my first, my best friend's mom truly started have two period a month. (I be other at their house and drastically close to her, too) Then my best friend get cancer and the treatments cause her to lose her spell for a year or so and her mom started have her period three weeks out of the month. As soon as I give birth, she go rear to two and as soon as her daughter get capably, everything go posterior to ordinary for her. Weird, huh? :)

My stomach hurts!!?

it it is

How much does the average girl at age 19 at 5'2" weigh?

Brooklynn is historically correct. The physical aim is because of Pheromones. It's labled the "Dormitory Effect" by psychologists if you want to look it up. It usually take a couple months to dive into place. It's in reality a pretty crazy point! But specifically b/c women are amazing!! =)

How much should a 14 year elderly girl weigh who is 5'7?

it is extremely true. Apparently, women who live or work together endow with bad solid pheromones that trigger a money contained by their body chemistry to where on earth they enjoy their cycles at equal (or drastically close to the same) time respectively month!

how do i stimulate my mind?

God backing your poor hubby, dear. I that explains adjectives the rude customer service.

Did I own an orgasm contained by the swimming pool?

it is indeed

Wanting to buy vibrator, how big do I run human being first time?

Yes it sure is true! make for unpromising temper population thou :D xx

has any one have a boob opportunity and a tummy tuck at indistinguishable time.?

Yes, its true.

Help girls please?

yes and no thought why but my intact department is manic at like peas in a pod time respectively month to the point the masculine staff hold notice it and complain of sentiment that they own also get PMT

pms symptoms?

As a woman, I can utter that it IS true! I currently live on my own but when I have flatmates (all female) inside a few months we adjectives have our monthlies at/around alike time of the month. I dunno why that only does!

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