After i move about pee it still feel close to i obligation to move about, and solely for a while comes out?

what does that mean? is it serious? and can it be treated without seeing a doctor? I'm 15 years behind the times and i really don't want my mom finding out about this..

Answers:    i have like peas in a pod problem, don't worry its nothing serious adjectives you need to do is as soon as you know you have to get to the bathroom go a.s.a.p if you do have a kidney infection you would hold pains and fevers and it would bring tears to your eyes when you peed so unless you have those symptoms spawn sure you have lots of water and cranberry liquid and you should be just fine..
It sounds like you could possibly hold a urinary tract infection which is caused by a bacteria. An infection cause by bacteria is treated with antibiotics, which you will call for a prescription for. Symtoms are frequent urination, burning with urination or a feeling that you enjoy not emptied your bladder. The infection can cause your urethra to "spasm" which can motive the above complaints.

You should tell your mom and ask her to take you to the doctor. The doc will enjoy you pee in a cup to tell for sure and afterwards writes you a prescription if there is an infection. Urinary tract infections are very adjectives in women and are nothing to be embarassed roughly. The type bacteria that commonly causes them comes from your stool (poop). If departed untreated the infection can travel further to your kidneys which could cause you to become very poorly.

Hope this helps:).
I could be as simple as a UTI (urinary tract infection). They are very adjectives and doesnt mean you are dirty, infact they can occur if you arent drinking ample water and bactiria forms in the tract. Sometimes here can be a burning sensation towards the end of releasing urine. I know in Australia we hold a product called URAL which is satchets disolved in river, they can help releave the symtoms, but you will need a presciption to clear it up.

Talk to your mum, she should twig as this is quite common contained by women. Plus a doctor will be able to diagnose you properly so you can get on near things

Good luck

I wish you well.
Sounds close to you may have a UTI or a kidney infection. Need to drink lots of water, be in motion to wal-mart and buy these pills called AZO, drink cranberry juice and stay past its sell-by date the soda for awhile. you really need to tell your mother so that she can nick you to a clinic. If you are really to afraid to consult with your mom, call you local strength department and find out if they offer free visits and birth control. you enjoy either a sterstics which is when you pee if it eother stings or makes you consider u need togo all the time or you might enjoy a kidney infection just goto your doctor chick and tell ya mom she might beable to support you

take care xx.
hun you prob enjoy cystitis, just pop to the chemist and they have drinks you can rob. Also lots of cranberry juice works well.

hope you perceive a bit better soon xx.
u may have a uti try getting some over the couter stuff from walgreens or anystore.try getting cranberry juice it will clease u out.Seem resembling a urinary tract infection to may also be a kidney infection why don't you want to tell your mom??? This problem is nothing sexual. You will obligation to be seen by a doctor, perhaps you own a small bladder, let someone know!!

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