Painful pee sound out?

My friend called me up this morning crying, it hurts really bad when she pees, and it have a spot of blood each time she goes. She said she have to go frequently, and tries to hold it, but it hurts, and she pees and it hurts her even more.

What could this be?

I am trying to get some insight on possibilities, her mother said it's from her have sex, and won't take her to the doctors. She has be having sex for a few years now, so I don't dream up thats it. I am taking her to the ER when I get off work if she is still sentiment this way.

Answers:    Maybe she has a UTI (urinary tract infection), efficiently clears up with antibiotics, by the way, your a pious friend!.
It sounds like a urinary tract infection.

You can get medication from the chemist, call URAL (that's what it's called is Australia anyway). That will help near the pain, but she should get to a GP for antibiotics..
if ur bleeding u own kidney stones or u might have kidney infection go to da doctors to put together sure or go to da hospital, u can go to da hospital minus parents in da uk and u they call ur parents for u and they own to come to da hospital, sort it out because it can only get worse She have a bladder infection.
get her to drink parsley tea.(3 times today)
Chop up a cup of parsely put it in boiling hose down, let it sit for 10 min and drain the parsley out and dirnk it.
Also bring her to the doctor becusae they will put her on medicine..
Could be a urinary tract infection. (most likley what it is)

a yeast infection

possibly an STD

Either mode she needs to go to the doctor. Only antibioticswill capture rid of it..
Sounds like she has a kidney or bladder infection. Tell her to drink cranberry liquid and lots of water! Could be kidney stones also if she drinks a lot of sodas and not satisfactory water. She probably has cystitis - nought too serious if treated, just a bladder infection that can be cleared up with a couple of weeks of antibiotics.

Hope this help :).
Ouch! She probably has a bladder infection - and wow, her mom has issues if she's gonna punish her daughter this road because your friend is having sex (parents like that disgust me, seriously). Bless her heart - yeah, if she can't bring herself over to the ER or urgent care then you requirement to take her. Tell her, if possible, to drink cranberry liquid and water today - all sunshine. That should aleviate her pain a little. She may also enjoy kidney stones which has NOTHING to do with sex (UTI's can come to pass if you don't pee after sex, but its not the only cause). But she needs to procure to the doctor immediately.

Also - if your friend is under 18, later I would report her mom. It doesn't matter if the child is having sex or not, she is denying her child uncomplicated medical care which Child Protective Services looks down on a parent when they don't do their job.

Good luck to your friend.

A pox on her mother.

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