My mom go for a mamogram today and get the photos stern. in a minute she have to travel spinal column tomorow. is something wrong?
Answers: It is not extraordinary for people to own to go for second reading. They may HAVE detected something, but it doesn't have to be cancer. It could be a benign fibroid tumor or a cyst or any number of things.
It could also be freshly a bad picture and they'll pocket another one to rule out any problems. I've known plenty of folks to go for a second reading and everything comes stern all clear.
no not necessarily it could be something frivolous that they just want to bring to her attention. settle to your mom.
Maybe she has to do the question paper again, or another test. Try not to verbs until you know more. I hope things will work out for her. Too early to report to. Unidentified spots on a mammogram might just be fibrous or calcified spots. Those are not cancer. I know you're alarmed, but it's too early to be worried.
Good luck to you.
My mom almost other has to walk back for a second mammogram... simply because my grandmother have breast cancer, so they are extra careful...
Don't verbs! They are just double checking something that they saw on the first experiment...
It can be something, it can be nothing. My mother have been call back straight away after two mammograms. First time, the radiographer thought he saw a shadow on the mammogram and they did it again and it be nothing. The second time, they found a tiny cancer which could be treated pretty smoothly with surgery and radiotherapy (no chemo be needed). I think solitary about 1 contained by 14 women where they find a lump on the mammogram turn out to hold cancer (in the UK) so I really wouldn't worry until you know more. Don't be anxious. Often, there are things that show up approaching cysts (harmless) and other little things caused by a character wearing deodorant.
I had to dance back because I have cysts and it's no big deal. Don't verbs.