Is it normal to have a sort of smell after your period?!?

i a moment ago get past its sell-by date my interval a daylight ago and theres a smell and i dont know what it is could it be an infection?!

Please supply a video of the frontview of a organic childbirth?

It is average.. simply valet yourself externally but don't douche, you will not solely rinse out out the extra blood but apt microbes as capably making yourself prone to yeast infections. Your body be created to cleanse it's self minus you doing anything extra.

Birth control?

My guess would be it's freshly some residual blood gone up within within. Clean yourself really economically next to a mild soap. If that doesn't comfort, and if you hold any other symptoms of an infection (unusual discharge, excessive itching, etc) you might enjoy some sort of infection. Often those kind of things will progress away on their own surrounded by a few days, but if they don't you should shift to the doctor.

if you are for birth control, why are you for it?

Prior to , during and after your length your urine will hold a destinctive smell which disappears soon after your length is gone, 2 or 3 days, and reappear when you're ovulating mid cycle. It's safe and organic and nought at adjectives to verbs roughly.

I'm going through menopause. Please share your experience.?

I suggest that you rob a biddable douche

for women.. womanly problems?

A smelly crotch could be a sign of bacterial infection. I'm assuming you hose the externals? Douching is picturesque & imprudent.

is it bleak if your a constant weed smoker and are in the order of to hold plastic surgery?

no it is not because that finances you involve to fine-tuning you underwear so you don't gain a infection

Is it nontoxic for the man if you enjoy sex on your time?

its commonplace. thats why I similar to to douche after my term

What dietry supplements is it best to pocket if you own polycystic ovaries?

you could douche near Vagi -Guard(iodine and provodine)

What qualify you to go and get the shot, garnisil?

A simple vinegar douche will brand your "Va JJ" adjectives fresh again.!

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