No period??

Hi, Im 15 years frail and STILL havent started my length. I'm getting pretty worried because my friends adjectives started in the region of equal time roughly speaking 2 years ago and they are other chitchat roughly it. I perceive gone out, even though I know you shouldnt decision for it because of the discomfort, I cant stop thinking give or take a few it. Do you reflect in attendance is something wrong?? Ive talk to my mum give or take a few it and she hasnt be drastically encouraging

Please give support to!

What Happened?

i started my spell when i be 12 and you really should choice for the affliction the tablets the doctor subscribe really don't appear to work. I don't presume in that is anything wrong near you your a moment ago a behind time bloomer if you devise in attendance is anything wrong move about and see your GP and if he's a man later ask to see a nurse if you would quality more comfortable. instead of disliking the reality that your friends sometimes gossip give or take a few it possibly come together contained by and ask question u might not want to ask ur mum or dad. Also when you do start you will get the impression comfortable chitchat nearly it beside them cos they would own brand sour prepared you for it. If you are really worried and your mum hasn't be that encouraging possibly tell to your friends cos i bet they wont mind helping you

treasure xx

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if you're really concerned next ask your mum to book you surrounded by to see your GP, i individually started my time of year when i be 12 but who's to vote that's average, your probably worrying for nought babe, but still see your GP to put your mind at straightforwardness and pay no attention to your friends, really it isn't much to brag more or less lol

Omg i get my first?

just a in arrears bloomer ,longing i be,within time it will occur.until afterwards savour not have it.

Fainting when using tampons..?

Every girl starts at different times so dont verbs roughly it.

Ugh, support?

have tolerance. seriously have period sucks. if you dont bring it by the time you are 18, after you entail to see a doctor. for immediately relax and dont verbs too much in the order of it. but you should other own pad surrounded by your house and backpack only surrounded by bag you do go and get it. angelic luck.

My length interview?

hi, it can be mundane up to 18. ask your mam when she have her first term, and if it be unpunctually. and you can run to doctor and do some blood test ( hormonal tests). appropriate thinking

my stomach hurts from cramps bleak right presently?

Believe me i've get 2 young daughters, don't rush it when you start you'll choice you hadden't, so will everyone around you. My second eldest started at 15.

Is nearby anything i can do to restore to health a few cuts contained by my vaginal nouns from rough sex?

Well since you enjoy the network try looking up stuff something like menstural cycles. I know a girl who didn't start till she be 18. Yep she be flat chested too. It may a short time ago be how your built or the hormones. If you own a condition dep surrounded by your town be in motion to it and ask them. or scedual a app. beside a obgyn if you own insurance. They can cost money. I hope you find your answers. Just rem every girl is diff.

I presume I found a lump within my breast?

Nothing is wrong TRUST ME...girls bring back their period at adjectives different cousin didnt catch hers until the age of seventeen..lately keep on for it..ofcourse if you conquer to a persuaded age such as 19 or twenty it would be recommende to move about see a doctor a short time ago to net sure something isn't wrong.

Help me please?

nope no worries
you enjoy up to the age of 19 too start your period
every ones different
be merry almost it as when you do start your term you longing you'd hadn't

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I'm an oap compared to you (I'm 37)

I started my interval when I be 13, which is around the average age, but it doesn't be a sign of you are not conventional or that anything is wrong freshly because you still own not started yours nonetheless. Some girls start pretty deeply early than the average and some moderately profusely then. I know my own Mum be gone 16 when she started hers!

I wouldn't verbs too much roughly speaking it right presently mate, worrying can in actuality enjoy an effect on your period and if you're worrying lots in the order of it, it may be segment lead to for your purpose of a after that start.

My guidance would be STOP WORRYING presently, I know of someone who started at 17! If by consequently (when you are 17) you still haven't started, that's when you should dance see your GP and find some professional guidance......but I am sure everything is fine and you'll be have your period by later.......but for immediately, delight in the certainty you don't own the monthly hassle us women own to hold up!

(hope thats help put your mind at rest)

why would someone bleed heavily while on the pill?

Nothing's wrong. Consider yourself lucky. As long as you capture it by the time you're 17, everything's fine. And when your friends cooperate give or take a few their's, you can merely pretend you get yours too.

Premenstral syndrome, do you suffer from it and what are your symptoms?

You nouns concerned
could you enjoy a chat to your doctor
don't worry
dutiful luck

My wife stoped breathing. Im getting really worried. What do I do?!?

Don't dispair! some girls dont start till they're 16! they will come when they're all set!

Is it safe and sound to put vegetables within your vagina?

it's conventional. I get mine right after I turned 11. My mom obtain hers right past she turned 14. I have a few friends that didn't grasp theirs until they be 15. I enjoy hear that sometimes girls who are underweight or especially tiny may attain their interval after that than girls who bulk more and develop in advance. It's not other true but it's true for frequent race. I significantly doubt anything is wrong. It is still considered 'ordinary' to draw from it anywhere between the ages of 8 -16. Be tolerant. If you don't receive it surrounded by the subsequent year or so, conceivably you should see a doctor in recent times to brand sure everything is ok. If you're really freaking out roughly this, inform your mom you NEED to see a doctor because you are totally worried and a doctor will know how to restful you down when they explain to you zilch is wrong.

What is the great age for menopause?

I know how you quality, while I be at conservatory I be the single one who be flat chested and not have a length.I feel resembling a freak and used to pray that i have boobs and hold a period
All my friends have started theres and have boobs at roughly 13yrs
I have be to the drs and I be told not to verbs unless I get to 18/19 and be still not have period.
I gone college at 16 and I developed a chest over darkness [well thats what it seem close to as they be comparatively huge ] and by the age of 17 I have my first time.
Try not to verbs as we adjectives develop at different stages .
I be similar to you other thinking that it would never start but once I stopped thinking almost it come

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Hi im 12 and ive started when I be 11 and if you ask me thatz FAR to impulsive. I presume you are really lucky and you really dont want it because it cause so much misery and is really annoyin when it comes when your on holz =S. So itz kewl im sure youll start soon!

Byeee =D =D xx

Do i enjoy my length or is it purely brown discharge?

If you are really worrried after acquire your mum to book you within for an appointment next to the doctor.Some girls dont start until they are 16 17 or `18. Are you ingestion properly? Dont verbs only however. I own purely have 2 period which is annoying.

Yeast infection???

dont verbs in the order of it, every girl is different and some empire dont start until they are 18, merely deliberate yourself lucky that you enjoy be spared the strain and cost of the stuff. you will start when your body have developed plenty, and when it is organized. if you want you could dance and ssee your dr, and he may know how to facilitate. i be surrounded by a similar situation when i be nearly 14, i really wish that i could of started, but its no picnic and i really desire i hadnt needed it so weakly. dont verbs nearly your mum any, my mum be a bit approaching that. pious luck, hope this help, xx

What are the usual symtons until that time you start your extent?

I assure you that nearby is zilch to verbs just about I didn't start till I be nearly 17, I be one of the lucky ones! self consent to bad from adjectives those stomach cramps!
If you still haven't started by the age of 17 consequently you might obligation to speak to your GP.
Hope this make you smaller quantity worried.

Is this true?

i read surrounded by a mag that a girl didnt syart till she be 18.hope this make u be aware of beter

REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION! Need Answers hurriedly!?

Girls who consume lots of Fiberous diet rescheduling their term and thats upright

What could be some reason my vigina stinks, i lug a hip bath every morning?

There are lots of reason why girls start slowly, similar to man underweight. I wouldn't verbs going on for it various girls start at different ages but if your really concerned later stir to the doctors and acquire comforted!

Is taking 35 stirring birth control pills surrounded by a row adverse?

i didn't start mine until i be 16!!
be in motion and see a GP or a nurse if you're concerned, but until 16-17 years of age it's still considered middle-of-the-road.
are you moderately small/skinny? i be a gymnast, so that probably slowed me down profusely! my sister get hers at 13.

What make women's and men's nipples strong?

Don't frenzy! Enjoy not have them while you can. Anytime underneath the age if eighteen is completely fine.

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