Teenage girls knowledge of human reproduction?

I am curious how masses teen girls appreciate the fundamentals of reproduction. If you are a juvenile girl please answer the following question:

1. What is the difference between intercourse and conception?
2. When does conception crop up?
3. What is the morning after pill, and how do you use it?
4. What is a unconditional process to prevent pregnancy?
5. How do you know when you are pregnant (before you carry the big bulge within your abdomen)?

I will be surprised if I catch more than 3 posts that are adjectives correct

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intercourse: sex
conception:when a toddler is concieved(when the sperm and ovum join

conception occur when the sperm and ovum go in.

the morning after pill is nature of similar to abortion surrounded by a pill, and you cart it the morning after have sex if you meditate you might be pregnant.

not hold sex

you check near your doctor.

Guys..a personal cross-examine..? 18+ one and only please?

I will be surprised if you receive 3 right posts too!!

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this is a moment or two bit degrading.... what age are you posting to? because i am 18 and i most conspicuously know adjectives of those answers and can't believe that in that would be females my age that do not know these things... if they don't consequently they should probably do some research

1. Intercourse is penile-vaginal insertion next to no sperm fertilizing (reaching) an egg. Conception is the time of fertilization.
2.see above
3. Plan B birth control is a pill available at pharmacies for women over 18 that enjoy have unprotected sex contained by the final 72 hours and want to prevent pregnancy, should be taken sooner than after that, side effects are bleeding, naseau, abdominal pain
4. Abstinence
5. There is a hormone in your urine and blood that can be found by using at home pregnancy kit or seeing a doctor, also you would skip period

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we're not stupid...

1. What is the difference between intercourse and conception?
- Intercourse is when you own sex (proabably next to protection) and when you're finished, you're finished.
- Conception is when the sperm meet the egg --> pregnant.
2. When does conception come to pass?
- See above answer. Also- when you DONT USE BIRTH CONTROL!
3. What is the morning after pill, and how do you use it?
- A pill that you whip anytime between unprotected sex and 72 hours if the guy cums within you and you dont want to be pregnant.
4. What is a clear-cut approach to prevent pregnancy?
- abstinence
5. How do you know when you are pregnant (before you draw from the big bulge contained by your abdomen)?
- you stop have your period
- dizzy
- tired
- ill

implant implanon and norplant (birth control)?

1. intercourse is sex, conception is when the sperm meet the egg.

2. i said it already

3. a pill you whip after you hold have sex.

4. not have sex

5. you can transport a check, and if your period don't come.

i am 13 btw.

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I could enjoy answered adjectives of those question at age 10 because we have sex tuition surrounded by 5th class. Except possibly the morning after pill put somebody through the mill, but to be precise because it be not around spinal column consequently.

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