What is the point of taking a shower? i don't beleive in personal hygine.?

i don't grasp the pressure of taking a shower. i haven't taken one 3 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. nil is wrong near me. sure, i might smell discouraging but i don't concern. i'm still alive. personal hygine is newly a leftovers of time. they did like item within the colonial times, and not a soul died.
what are your oppinions on this, and why is it substantial to whip a shower?

Whitney Houston?

Personal hygine is basically a motto! It's not existing!! BATHS AND SHOWERS SYBOLIZE THE DEVIL!! DIRT IS HEVENLY!!


I guess I won't be asking you out on a date anytime......

Embarassing Question(females simply please)?

personal hygine is extraordinarily exalted you hold to bring comfort of the skin that protects everything on the inside - if i be you i would attain contained by to the shower next to a pub of soap toothbrush and staple clippers and catch verbs - fyi smelling doomed to failure is not hygienic!

To adjectives woman: I call for a network verbs or book that will support my little sister?

let me ask you this- do you wipe your after you *? and after not bath ur hand...and next ingestion beside those hand... THATS why

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When you don't shower or stay verbs - germs grow and spread. Personally I focus it's digusting when general public don't help yourself to charge of their personal hygiene. Even animals verbs respectively other and themselves.

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please dont and of late dont go and get on an elevator or move about around any general public any time. because you will be abhorrent to adjectives of us verbs culture.

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It's true they didn't bath as much contained by times gone by, and the average vivacity span be a fraction of what it is very soon. If you made it to 35 you be considered and older man. Without meticulous personal hygiene, you not solely smell, you are a walking germ factory and you endanger everyone around you, a correct vector for the spread of infection. Please narrate us where on earth you live so we can adjectives avoid that nouns.

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The point of a shower is so you dont smell approaching debris and you can be around nation and perchance enjoy a conversation or dinner or I don`t know if you use soap... SEX

Brown dischargenow I'm worried?

sorry but thats discontented! lol eww

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well if you dont lift a shower or(a bath)you would be talk going on for and you would stick.instinctively i resembling to shower.i dont want to meander around smelling approaching throw out.if dirt builds up on you too much,it will produce your skin sore.

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I know you don't own a brief!

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If your 'hurtin' a s s hasn't told you why here amount of 'dirty' time? Y!A answerers haven't get a luck . . .
Good piece smells don't travel over the network!

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That's awful!! Do everyone else around you a wish and shower and please do not give notice your house until you do so. Gross.

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Man......so THAT's what that smell is!

I'm contained by Pennsylvania. Where are you? Just wondering how far your odor is traveling.

Excuse me.....I of late threw up within my mouth.


If this happen again?

you are probably one of those religious peep. but individually i have an idea that it is so gross whe you do not keep hold of verbs it is sick and a short time ago down right torpor and anyone who doesnt is a hog

Body relief.?

I agree near Sarah here in the region of the throwing up member. Man thats DISGUSTING!!

P. S., gratitude for the assured 2 points! :D

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OK first past its sell-by date its high-status because you cant seize a brief individual dirty and smelly. Secondly, not a soul desires to be around a smelly personage. You are probably a virgin so I am sure that at most minuscule resting on body odor u dont reek of sex. Are you one of those associates that doesnt wear deodorant? Its far-reaching to filch a shower so that you dont cause offence anyone around you and so that adjectives the dirt and insensible skin and germs come past its sell-by date of your body.

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