Do 13 year olds get cramps as desperate as me?

i get ghastly cramps and im just 13! they hurt so bleak; that is why i am awake so rash asking questions. 6 A.M. is close to 4 hours too early for me to take up. i cant think. it hurts so bleak. am i okay? am i normal? do you know anyone my age beside terrible cramps? what do i do around it?! i take midol but that solitary works for like a partially and hour to an hour. HELP

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I have gotten HORRIBLE cramps since I be at the age of 11 with my term. The doctor never gave me a reasoning for it. I enjoy to take 2 aleve and 1 tylenol to achieve rid of the pain. It usually help and goes into affect give or take a few and hour or so after I take the medication. Midol never worked for me...surrounded by fact it made me surface worse, cause it have caffeine in it. (I'm not sure if it still does) But, watch your caffeine intake while your on your interval. If it persist, notify your mom about it so she can nick you to the gynecoligist so he can check you out.

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You need to clutch midol for now. It may be simply stomach upset. But you enjoy to get cheked this up. Good luck!

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walk it off ... ur 13 ond you get hold of cramps ...gee i only get hold of em when i do athletics


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Which part of your body is giving you this problem? Where exactly is the cramps?

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i sometimes carry small cramp but not bad cramp similar to you ( im 13)

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I have horrible cramps as a teenager! You may own endometriosis. Talk to your mom and see if she will take you to a gyno. I hold been taking birth control pills to lend a hand control my cramping. It may be embarrassing to converse to someone about it, and to progress to a gyno, but it will save you profoundly of pain if you can receive it taken care of immediately! I wish I would enjoy gotton checked when I was 13! I missed so much institution and spent a lot of time contained by bed and in spasm because of cramps.

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My best friend used to get hold of them so bad, she would overrun out from the pain. Back after, there wasn't much doctors could do. Now, they are more advanced and finally mannish MD are having more compassion for women approaching you. There are prescription meds to help you if the over the counter meds don't work. Ask your mom to cart you to a female GYN, hopefully you will find one that go through the same piece. She will help you. Hang contained by there, I know what it's resembling too as do many, copious other women. Good luck,

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You may want to see a ob/gyn to craft sure it is just cramps and not something else. But yeah, sometimes cramps are simply beyond the pale. Try getting some exercise, even walking, during your period. A reheat bath or shower, followed by a heat pad on the cramping nouns, may also help the spasm. Yoga stretches may help as capably. Try to stay away from excess salt and sugar, which lone make the bloating and moods worse.

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If you're talking going on for period cramp, I used to get unforgivable cramps at your age as well. I would curl up contained by fetal position and try not to throw up from the pain.
What can really backing is some light polish on your belly and lower back, and the use of a covered hot wet bottle along with your agony killers.
Hopefully your stomach-ache will ease up soon, mine started to go and get better as I became elder.

Strange do you know?

If it's menstrual related, I used to get cramps and diarrhoea at that age (still do surrounded by my 20's) and even constipation at my time of the month. This has better with age. I hold Neutrogena period tablets if I'm sore. It feel like I have Irritible Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Perhaps it's an irregularity of the hormones (adolesence is when our bodies are changing), so maybe you could see a pharmacist or herbalist to try alternative drug? I have be having Blackmores Vitex Agnus-Castas and find I bring back few cramps so I don't really need torment relief.

What just about your diet? Maybe you have a digestive antipathy to gluten or dairy? I have dairy issues but never get cramps in my sleep.

Is nearby a history of digestive related illnesses in the line - diverticulitis, crohns? Maybe you need to see a condition professional on it?

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Ouch! I guess it happen to some ppl. Yeah just appropriate midol or something else that relieves the pain.

I'm 13 also and Ive be having my time for more than a year...and surprisingly Ive nvr had cramps...but profusely of ppl do.

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