Is it true Greek yogurt is good for thrush?

If so where on earth do i seize this and what should i do?

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Registered Nurse here; Hun it doesn't hold to be Greek yogurt, any yogurt works. What it does is replace the ordinary flora contained by the body, so that thrush or yeast infection cannot reproduce. Also buttermilk, a couple of 6oz goggles a sunshine will aid. Both yogurt and buttermilk, own live alive apposite germs cultures contained by them. I promise Greek, or Borden, etc. Doesn't concern adjectives do alike.
Thanks for the opportunity to address such a shrewd request for information.

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Go to the doc and carry a pill. It is a one dose pill and get rid of it within in the region of 24 hours.

Yeast infection!!?!?!? HELP!!?

Any type of yogurt is worthy for thrush-- since thrush is only a yeast infection.

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yogurt is said to give support to yeast infections, thrush is a yeast infection. it doesnt hold to be greek yogurt. but it should be sugar free and contain live involved yogurt cultures.

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it doesnt hold to be greek yogurt, any sensitive of plain yogurt will do. If you enjoy thrush or your child have thrush the doctor can prescribe nystatin which doesnt chew as impossible and works more hastily.

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Any yogurt, not JUST Greek, next to involved cultures is honest for thrush. Thrush is a fungus, and for this reason cannot thrive within an caustic habitat. "Acidophillus" is an sour enzyme i.e. surrounded by most yogurt products. You merely enjoy to get sure it's on the sticky label.

If you are not a big lover of yogurt, you can also buy acidophillus pills within the vitamin aisle.

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Any Yogurt is virtuous for any Fungal infection.

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Im sure it is...but to give a hand you out, ANY character of yogurt will back near a yeast infection...which is what trush is, yeast infection in the mouth. It have live microbes that guzzle away the yeast. Also great for a yeast infection are pills call Acidophilus. They are sold are drug stores and places approaching walmart. hope this help!!

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