Has anyone felt close to this?

Do you get days when you perceive like you in recent times cant get anything done. No business how hard you try you hold to pospone it till later when it could be too behind time?

Period woes?

everyday...but top tip.........you'll get nowt done by sitting on here adjectives day x

How long does it help yourself to for your periods to return to usual after an abortion?

Life is rather approaching a tin of sardines - we're all of us looking for the knob.

First Period?

All the time just presently! Not functioning at all in good health these days!

Help please!?

Yes adjectives the time

Is Prenatal Vitamins Good or Bad?

all the time...

I have ovarian cyst .and it's cause problems in my sex natural life does anybody have any solutions ?

Yes and today is one of them. I basically sit on the computer doing nothing surrounded by particular. We adjectives have days close to that. I think its our bodies unfolding us to slow down maybe and thieve stock. Rest up and recharge batteries.

Random Cramps.?

Yeah greatly of the time.. i feel approaching i just want to sleep and colapse.. and sometimes spill out to sleep on my way home...

the best focus is to get not too much but at lowest 6 hours sleep and Eat little but often throughout the hours of daylight to keep your activeness levels boosted, plenty of dampen too.. and when you don't feel close to doing anything and just wanna chill you should do something.. maintain your body moving and it will wake you up... if your have a lazy afternoon but dont wanna feel approaching a slob then set a clock for every 20 - 30 minutes and when it go off acquire up and walk into everyroom in the house, in recent times to keep yourself moving and so that when you do move you dont exhaust yourself..

Good luck, b x

What is call safety length?

Just about every afternoon ------- but don't you feel smug on those extraordinary days that you can chalk up an achievement?

Two menstrual period in one month?

welcome to my world

What is s & m because i unambiguously have hear of it but never really knew what it be..?

YES! I am famous for it! Ask Dr. Phil and he will narrate you it is "ignorance". You are ignorant. You consistency the rest of the world can wait for you. You are the most considerable and everything else can wait. Don't verbs you are NOT the only one. There are lots of us. So far it has not artificial my relationships, my career, or my credit rating (late bill payments, few and far between but occasional). However, I do not have kids. I know that will correction things for me. At the moment I am enjoying man a little laid-back sometimes...

Irregular period?

yeah adjectives the time!

What is it really like to enjoy a gastric bypass?

All the time - wish it would stop !!

I never bring back my period!?

yes i discern like that almost adjectives the time...right now im thinking give or take a few my messy room (its easy to when youre surrounded by that same room) and being organizationally-challenged as i call for myself it is hard to verbs up. i never know where to put anything and i can solitary work on it very few minutes in need feeling stressed out and kinda tired (not sleepy tired the other kind).

its thorny when youre a person similar to me who gets overwhelmed glibly...im also lazy too. i hold a bit of perfectionist in me as resourcefully so i want everything to be perfect and that make it even more difficult.

i find that listening to internet radio relaxes me some while doing it.

What age did you grasp your first bra and did you say something something like getting one or was it your mom?

I perceive like that every morning and its really getting me down.

When should I put the tampon in?

Yes - all the time - I'm usually ok when I get going but sometimes can just discern really down and sit and eat chocolate and study tv all afternoon despite knowing I've got heaps to do! My best solution is to sort sure I've got to be somewhere surrounded by the mornings so I have to go and get up! Also (be impressed cos I'm a girly girl!) I've learned how to program my boyfriends xbox to play my favorite lively tunes - you know, the ones you have to tap to - nothing similar to a dance for getting you on your foot! Eating a good fighting fit diet with lots of yoguhrt, fruit and veg. can help out to generally dispense you more energy too.

If it's more merely not getting anything done that's the problem, try making a list of everything you stipulation to do and when you're going to do it.

Hope that helps! xx

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