Im worried nearly going to the doctor for a physical.?

'cause ending time i was nearby they looked somewhere i didnt like. and this time i own to get 3 shots! wat should i do to prepare?

I get this type of discharge what is it?

they check every where for a physical to label sure you dont have cancer!

What do I do when I dont have a feeling well beside ovualtion?

omg so waz i and i waz so embarrased cause they looked at both "parts" of my body
dont verbs it will be over it a few seconds

Sometimes i am acting approaching a baby?is whinning ok for a 24 year outdated woman ?

Just realize that everything will be ok. The shots wont hurt and be over quite soon. As for the exam of private areas u may be aware of better seeing a woman dr . Remember your privacy is protected by law. donalore

Dr have sent off fora histology try-out - what is this?

lol welcome to anyone human.
but yea they do that when they give you a physical.
and u own to get shots?
i grasp. i dont like needles!
i have a friend go beside me..and we talked while they be giving me shots...if you keep yourself pre-occupied during the time after you're not quite as afraid..if no one can progress with you later dont look at the needle and try not to reflect about it. but dont nouns...that's the worst thing you can me it get you strapped down and thats even scarier!!

Did anyone experience muscle aches while on depo?

u don't want 2 be prepared it will be over in a few secs


i know how you discern. I'm always discomfited about physicals.
The ending time i had to budge, she wanted to check somewhere i didn't want them to look. So i told her that i be on my period. She be ok with it, and said that she wasn't going to check.

How big are boobs?

Just try to keep hold of your mind on other things and try to relax. If it helps, conceivably go next to a family applicant or friend to keep you company surrounded by the waiting area. Try to remember that the doctor have seen those areas of the human body tons times before and he/she is merely doing their job. Although, if you are discomfited with a individual doctor you can always correct. good luck.

Is it possible for a girl to be stronger than an grown man? Im short, weigh 140 lbs could a girl be stronger?

Suck it up, and go. And as a woman, receive used to pokes and prods in places you don't outstandingly like. It's in recent times business to them, but the things they are looking for could save your enthusiasm. Grow up, and live, hon. I had a girlfriend who found a lump within her breast and didn't go to the doctor because she didn't want to be told it be cancer. Guess what? it was. She died.

Can anyone make clear to me about endometrial ablation?

I of late had my first gyno physical on Tuesday so I know almost the worry. But the anticipation is the worst quantity...the exam itself lasts perchance 5-10 minutes. My comforting thought was that if adjectives went economically, I wouldn't be back for another year. If you are getting a pap after they have to look up your's not fun, but it's simply one of those things all women own to endure.

Is it strange from a woman who is 5'8" to own a 22 inch waist?

Relax and remind yourself that you'd rather own the shot than the disease the shot is going to protect you from! I hate shots, definitely hate them, but despondently, you really do need them. And by adjectives means, explain to your doctor that you're nervous, they might know how to explain what they're doing and calm you down a bit.

How to transmit awoman that she needs to lose waight near out hurting her?

its no big deal. you inevitability to have them cuz they check to clear sure that nothing is wrong! and the shots dont hurt. over contained by a second!

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