?? I stopped taking the pill, before the pack was empty ?????

I bleed a bit for a few days... (does that count for a time produce it be more approaching rather blood here and within?)
later I forgot to whip the rest for a week or two and in a minute I'm finishing the rest (there be lone 3 moved out until that time the blank ones)
when should be my subsequent extent ?
I've never have sex and don't plan on it for a long time ( I single lift the pill to regulate hormones)

Question nearly my birth control pills?

It depends on what brand you are taking. My guess is that you will hold a spell again when you procure to the "blank" pills.

I'm below a curse. Sex is greatly tender for me. Every thrust hurts even though properly lubricated.What give?

u should count it prudently....

Im not trying 2 gross ne one out,but i dont know if something might be wrong near me.?

you will enjoy a time of year again.....if you slack stale on the pills it will mess up your cycle and you will usually acquire your interval twice inwardly the month....or formerly you finish the undamaged birth control pack.

I'm looking for information on women's vigour, specifically info on uncharacteristic menstrual cycles.?

You stipulation to progress posterior to your doctors and perchance resolve on a easier method of birth control.. It say right contained by the instructions that if you miss more consequently 3 pills contained by a row (unless they are the reminder pills) that u stipulation to start a brand brand new pack. When u you will find your subsequent time i don't infer anyone can report to you because you haven't stated how long you have be on the birth control. Its a 28day pack so work out it up.

You should win on a different type of BC thou if its to knotty to run the pill everyday.

why do i perceive green about the gills adjectives the time??

shut up. i hope you draw from! your@!@!@!@ for doing that to your boyfriend ya loser. great example of why women dont receive respect and obtain raped adjectives the time. they feign and are sneaky.

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