Should I shave. down at hand?

I'm thirteen and I started getting pubic hair about a year ago. It's markedly dark and thick, and it's irritating when I'm at bop class. Should I shave it? How often would I have to do it?


Stomach pains?

progress ahead and shave it. make sure the razor is righteous tho cuz you could get razor burn so bubbles up with alot of shaving cream.

depending how fast your pelt grows youll hafta shave at different times. whatever you feel comftorble or when you quality its getting irritating then shave it

by the way, shaving doesnt formulate it grow back "thicker" they did a study its just the angle that the pelt grows back makes it look that channel.

& if you dont want to shave all the way you can other trim. OR use nair and stuff like that but be careful because if nair is moved out on for too long it can actually burn your skin

Last nite my GF took the pill & 20 minutes after she threw up. cud da pill still work? it be during da 1 week

I'm the same age, and embezzle ballet too...
if its bugging you, shave but it will be very itchy.
pubs shouldn't be bugging you during jazz, or if your afraid some stuff will show, it wont.
wear seem less underwear and it wont.
i used too be afraid that something would show, but it wont.
ably it may if your not wearing tights.

Exceptionally big libido query.?

You should trim a little or as short as you like but don't shave. It will engineer you very itchy and it's embarrassing when you necessitate to Itch yourself in public. Instead take a duo of scissors or a woman's personal trimmer and trim a little.

This is probably a gross ask, but...?

You can shave or wax it if it's irritating, but it'll probably be a little itchy to first hours of daylight. You usually only have to do it once a month.

Its ok to run to the dentist when you're on your monthly cycle, right?

Shaving can breed the problem worse, because when the hair grows out, it's all stubbly and can wreak itching and red bumps. You might try just trimming the hair beside scissors, but be careful not to cut yourself.

Question going on for have sex for the first time.?

hey shave it off,im recounting you right now guys like it shaved,so i would shaved it everytime,and not tolerate it grow.


Two question please answer!!?best answers 10 points!!!?

I wouldn't shave it 'cause it would make it grow back faster and thicker. Use spike removal cream like Veet. It'll grow back surrounded by a week or two, depending on your own body.

Deprovera shot?

Yes, you can shave it. A lot of women do. It will be VERY itchy the first time. Just be careful you don't cut yourself!

Does a girl stop growing when she get her length?

no but you should trim it with scissors

How tons pure blonds enjoy you ever met?

if its irritating YES!

Early time of year?

Uh...geez. i guess you can shave it...?

When will i start my time of year?

SHAVE! lol, it's all your decision..but if i be you i would.

Is have headache within the vagina adjectives? What are the cause?

YOu need to ask your mom for help!

What is going on next to my cycle?? (TMI)?

if u want
it's a personal choice

when u shave ur legs
u can shave down here

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Havent gotten my extent surrounded by resembling two months, but pregnancy test read out not pregnant?
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