Women Only Again! Please.?

Also, I didnt get my length until I was give or take a few 13. What is the average age of girls now? I enjoy a 9 yr old, and shes asking question, and thinks she may hold gotten hers, but its random...isnt 9 too rash??

Answers:    i got mine when i be 11 but ive heard and agreed others to have their interval at 9..it just depends on a people body...yes nine is young and im sure your heart is tear knowing that you no longer have a "little" girl but i deem it would be okay to sit down with her to discuss a few things and to ask her if shes get questions nearly it. If shes passed over for the talk she may facade getting her period for the first time and not know what to do or become humiliated talking going on for it at that point. I think discussing it contained by a brief/mature manner wouldnt hurt and if you conquer a point of feeling self-conscious about it-maybe shes asking "too many" questions-stick to the topic and bring up to date her you ll talk near her about "other" things when she get older..and express to her that its a endowment a woman recieves when shes ready so dont touch left out if her friends start in the past her and that discussions like the one youd be have should remain private and discreet when talking to her friends (this means of access shes not embarrassed to make conversation about it but doesnt become overconfident boasting her investigational knowledge) Good Luck and besh wishes!! one last item is- remember how it was adjectives for you when you were younger, and ask yourself what would you hold done different when having this knowhow passed on to you..
I had a friend who started when she be 10. I also knew a girl who have a baby at 12. I find it weird but it happens. it depends on inheritance an stuff like when ethnic group in the relations started an stuff.
The age doesn't matter, it's only just people's bodies being different. I get mine at about 10, which is younger than the average. But it's a moment ago an average. Wow. Definitely sounds like it to me but its not sound to get your time of year and start developing breasts at such a young age.
average age is 12-14.
my sister get hers when she was 10. 9 seem a bit early. perchance she is learning give or take a few it in conservatory. i had my first sex ed class around that age. I have a friend who was 8. Most those I know were 13ish though. With medical conditions it can crop up any time, the earliest I read about be an infant (can't remember the name but if you google the describe "Lina Medina" you can read about the youngest mother ever.) She be a five year old Peruvian girl who apparently have started menstruating during infancy. So, as you can see, there is really no such entity as "too young"!
It's not too young. But the best track to combat this is not to wait for your daughter to ask question. Start now to explain how her body works almost conception, and the dangers of have sexual intercourse too young not purely pregnancy but all the mean STD's that are out there. Do this surrounded by a way not to upset her but give her the oppurtunity to ask question, if you can't answer a question research it on the internet near her. I am sure this will make it not lone educational, but will stop her listen to her peer group who often win it wrong from older brothers and sisters. Don't present too much info at once set aside a time each week for the two of you to gossip. Good Luck It is not that bad. Its truly better that she gets it precipitate so later within life she'll know how to buy and sell with it. p.s I get mine when I was ten and I deal with it pretty upright because my mom helped.
no not today 9 is fine although i think its impulsive but thats nature hmm okay im 13 and got my interval when i was 12.5 and ive be told by doctors that ur age when u get ur term has zilch to do when your mum got hers. the majority age is 12 and a partially - 13.

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