Foods to eat while on your periods?

what food help?, vitamins?

Can Humphrey's No. 11 be used to induce a miscarrige?


Avoid saline as it can aggravate menstrual cramps as this will increase fluid retention and worsen bloating. Sugar might interfere beside the digestion and metabolism of some of the B vitamins and minerals needed by your body.

Avoid foods glorious within arachidonic tart, this is the chubby the body uses to produce the series-2 prostiglandins which are the ones that grounds muscle and uterine contractions – these foods include dairy and other animal products.

Soy products can motivation problems too; soy products are not respectable for affecting women's hormones.


Chocolate – cloudy chocolate specifically, chocolate does contain sugars, dairy and caffeine which are desperate during menstruation; however bleak chocolate is elevated within magnesium, which menstruating women are commonly low within. Another plus as expected is that chocolate is connected to the release of serotonin in the brain which is piece of why it make us "have a feeling good".

Lots of fruit and vegetables, contained by hard to please green leafy vegetables such as spinach that are large within iron so backing replace what is lost through bleeding. Banana is great as the vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose level, which can affect your mood; it's also lofty within roughage which is something else explicitly honourable as fibre-rich foods keep hold of you regular that serve near bloating and cramping, also oodles women enjoy bowel problems during menstruation.

Fish such as salmon and tuna, these contain linolenic sharp that help to relax muscles by producing a antispasmodic prostaglandins, nuts and seed such as pumpkin and sesame relieve too, contained by exceptional flax pip is markedly apt. Whole grain, legumes, vegetables and fruits adjectives can promote regularity and everyday body functioning that relief next to bloating and cramping.

Make sure you keep hold of up on your hose consumption during your term. It keep you from self bloated from hose down counterweight gain/retention, beside for a moment added lemon liquid help too.


Magnesium, Calcium and Potassium as these adjectives something your body requests when shedding the pool liner of your uterus.

A polite vitamin B complex, in distinctive beside elevated, B3, B6 and B13 will give a hand next to PMS, and within the B3 the vasodilating effect can lessen the spasm of the uterus.

Cell salt are also celebrated and work as a fundamentally apposite pain reliever minus making the problem itself worse and work profusely faster than any local anaesthetic too -

Omega 3 grease (linoleic acid) and Omega 3 grease (linolenic acid), increasing these in your diet can remodel the harmonize between these two types of oil that relief your body function.


Peppermint, Cinnamon, Raspberry branch, Camomile, Wild Rose, Lemon balm, Black Haw, Vitex, Blessed thistle, Wild marjoram, Red raspberry, Wild strawberry, Valerian, Yarrow, Blue cohosh, Dong quai.
Depending on what problems you experience on your extent.

I am 13 and drink capucciono everyday?

Chocolate, chocolate and chocolate. Hope this help. :)

Kinda akward but i'm gonna ask anyways?

when i'm on my spell my diets dance out the porthole and i chomp through anything i want because its comforting!

When do you start taking your birth control for the first time?

eating LOTS of fruits and vegetables is really great for you during your time. also, chomp through chicken and fish- well-mannered proteins. try to avoid brackish or sugary foods because they will cause you quality uncomfortably bloated. best to stick to unprocessed in shape foods. drink lots of marine but don't drink sodas.
and if you hold icky cramps drinking chocolate or doesn`t matter what is your comfort food is right. make you have a feeling better.
hope this help.

Why do adjectives these symptoms scrounging? No menstrual cycle, various muscle spasms, headache and lower abdominal affliction?

Hot Tea.

Makes me barmy.?

i put away chocolate,crisps and everything ailing. i want the sugar rush to give support to my mood swings

Waxing Questions?

2 paracetemol and chocolate!nil else will work!

What's goin on beside me?

ICE CREAM!!!! :)

Period Question.?

In period here is psychic lack of correspondence. Therefore you should whip wishy-washy, fresh and mostly sweet foods.
Fruits twice a time and one neutral lunch plus dinner will do worthy.

Does anyone enjoy endometriosis?

Chocolate every time.

when your stomach growls where on earth you can hear it and so can someone else does it other be determined your hungry?


Found a easier said than done LUMp on breast.. relief im really scaredddd?

Fruits and vegetables,guzzle chocolate too.

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