Hi ladies. Just a few question give or take a few coming into womanhood...?

I'm just taking a survey of sorts. I've always be awestruck about how our bodies work and how our experience of maturation is SO different from that of a male's. The ride has be rather bumpy in some parts, but it is a blessing to hold the opportunity to bring a life into the world.
Just a few questions:
How aged were you when you started your period? Was it a horrifying experience or did you enjoy someone who was well-informed helping you? Did you hear any weak wives tales that you now know are not true?
Thanks for sharing!

Why hasn't my interval stopped? Is it because of the pill?

2 weeks after I turned 11

My mom other educated me about my body and what change to expect, sex, etc.

Some of the old wives tales I hear were that you shouldn't wash your fleece during your period and you should always wear socks during your term.

Why does the "area" smell when we hold a time?

I was 11 when I first had my spell. It was late at darkness and I'd already been worrying about it coming for a while. I merely knocked on my parents door and called my mum through and she set me up next to everything I needed for a period. I've been shy almost having a period for 4 years, but I'm grow enough now to know it's zilch to be shy about. My periods enjoy been irregular since the first time I started.

Random bleeding?

I was 12 years feeble , and sadly i started on my birthday! i had adjectives my friends over!! My mom was always expand about sex and having my time she even called my GRANDPA and told him i was a woman! So crushing! so i was (i think anyway) ably educated on what to do and to properly take watchfulness of myself. I felt very self-conscious around men whenever i was on my period. I be told i couldn't wear a tampon til i was 14 because it would get stuck and not come out (its true but it will come out eventually) i used to contemplate when i started my period i would get pregnant similar to it would just happen! But that's my story not too discouraging!

Scared...Girls merely please!?

I got my period right after I turned 14. It really wasn't a big concordat. I remember feeling a little out of it that dark and telling friends I didn't feel similar to going to the mall. Luckily! I was at home near my mom who was able to assist me right away. I already knew what to expect and was erudite properly. I started using a tampon that night (even though I was terrified - I was a swimmer and wanted to swot up right away what to do) and having my period hasn't be a big deal since!

The woman I be discussion roughly a few days ago have have two home pregnancy test.?

I was 12 when I have my first!! nothing horrifying about it at adjectives!!
I was visiting my grandmother and she help me a lot and answered my questions. And at hand are so many old wives tale I couldn't even begin to name them adjectives. And no most are not true. You just continue anyone yourself and do anything that is comfortable for you!!

Pinkish blood... please lend a hand.?

I started mine at 13. I was contained by school when it started, and I was horrified!

I be quite well informed so I know what it was. The most embarrassing article was telling my mum when I get home though. I just wanted to preserve it low key, but my mum got so excited!!

I other thought I'd be pouring blood and would leak, so it was a nouns to find otherwise!

How can you net your boobs bigger, and how long do they stopped getting your interval?

I started mine yesterday! and i already hate it!

Is this average?

I was 13. On my birthday that year my mom told me that both of my sisters have started at thirteen, so I probably would soon, and she'd like to know when I did. I started later that month! It be right after I got home from school but my mom be still in college at the time so she didn't get home until approaching an hour later, and I didn't know where the pad were.

I was excited at first because most of my close friends have already started, and I felt left out. I do remember attitude kind of depressed a few days later because I be sitting on the toilet thinking "so now I've got to obverse this once a month for the next 30 or 40 years!" My periods be regular right from the start and I never had to deal beside the missing ones that are so common at first, so that was nice.

I be very shy about my period for the first two years. Like at home I would turn the fan on in the bathroom so relatives couldn't hear me open a pad, and at conservatory I'd only go to the bathroom when everybody be at lunch at the bathroom was empty. I get over that when I went to high arts school...

Question something like person "tight" or "loose" - short grill?

My parents were pretty uniformed about reproduction as a complete. I had been made to attend reproduction classes contained by the 4th, 6th, and 8th grades, so I knew the general "rules" but the change that I went through were mine to suffer alone.

I get my period just previously my 11th birthday. Since I'd had the 4th grade condition class I was aware of what was going on, but I still considered necessary reassurance from Mom. She told me to show her my underwear, which I did. She took one cursory glance, said, "Yep that's your period. Pads are lower than the sink. Read & follow the instructions," and that was the end of that.

As for outmoded wives tales, I was never exposed to anything bizarre. Again the condition classes dispelled any sort of nonsense of that variety, so I know I could still do everything I was otherwise able to do beside the only limitation anyone that I now had to be aware of pad & bathrooms and such.

So there it is. I hope your experience has be more.appealing!

What does it suggest f my nipples hurt realy desperate everytime something touches them?

I was 10 and luckily my parents/school prepared me. I was excited (until a few months following when I experienced the cramps, bloating, etc) but it was a celebration of entering a new fragment of my life. I don't remember hearing any wives tale but if I did I am sure my mom would have set me straight.
It was never a dirty article in my family approaching some of my friends (I had one friend whose parents discovered her in the morning beside a mound of underwear on the floor. She just kept changing it throughout the night). I be taught it was something adjectives women had each month so we took a niggle reliever if necessary and went on beside our lives.

Seriously obligation answers! when will i find my spell!!??

Believe it or not but I was 8 when I started mine (I got 7 thumbs down once for answering a interrogate about the age I started). I was completely freaked out when it happen because all I saw was blood. Thankfully though, I be at home when it happened. My mom wasn't expecting me to start so early so I guess she didn't perceive the need to tell me anything at that age. So I don't remember knowing much or anything at adjectives about having a extent. We were toughed about it within school and all the change we go through but that was after the certainty. By then I was already "used" to have it. I don't remember hearing any old wives tale though.

How big does an ovarian cyst enjoy to be to seize it removed?

I was 8 going on 9 and no one enjoy given me the talk yet. We be supposed to see the "movie" in school on that friday and that wednesday be my awakening. I was scared to passing and then felt totally ashamed. I insufferable the monthly deal of going to nurse for my femine products. I am now 48 and I enjoy been going thru menopause for the last 2 yrs. The sweats are awful. You rouse in the night intuition like in inferno. But i dont miss that monthly caller.

Longer than usual extent on yaz, usual?

Help Always really Horny?
I get my time of year just about 2 years ago, and i haven't have one surrounded by 4 months, is nearby anything wrong?
Am i prgnant??!!?!?
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