This is only for women. When did you start peeing blood?


Why do women take a bump on in that obverse during the time of here interval?

You probably own a bladder or kidney infection. Go see your doctor and hold him grant you a urine examination and take on the meds right away. It should clear up surrounded by a few days but don't lurk!! I've have this a few times so I know what you're dealing near. Good Luck...........

Bra size??

Ummm.... never.

Is it possible to be pregnant all the same still hold your interval?


How can I spawn my metabolism faster?

Women do not pee blood unless they hold a bladder infection to be precise severe. Your menstrual blood comes out of your vagina not your urethra. You stipulation to do some research on menstruation if you are that confused as to what happen.

if a woman is paralysed down the waist, does she still competent to own sex?

if you peeing blood psyche stir to a doctor asap thats a sea infection.
ive never wee'd blood. if you stingy a time of year, you dont wee that blood. psyche conveyance the question

Is their any wound contained by shaving pelt surrounding vagina?

havent started and dont plan to

conceivably your discussion more or less period...... which is categorically not peeing blood.

probably google menstruation previously you ask another interview

Any women next to experience near Merena? Both sides please!?

Ask an elder feminine that you are close beside just about menstrual period.

What time of the month do women generally breakout within spots?

Never. Something seem to be wrong. Sometimes drinking definite foods close to beets will transformation the color of your urine.

What sort of exercises should women do to lose flab from the hips and stomach in need affecting the bust?

um thats merely isnt right or average. girls dont ussually pee idk if thats happnening to you or not but if it is you NEED to stir to the docotr cuz you ahve somethign wrong beside you most potential a UTI which can be fixed beside antibiotics. but yea. i never peed blood b4 or have a uti... and i dont plan on you want to be in motion draw from proffesional facilitate right away b4 it get really abd

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