Should i get a breast implant?

i'M 22 years old, i'm an exotic dancer, and i've be considering getting the surgery done. i'm a full B cup and according to many general public, my boobs are perfect, no stretch results, no sagging, i a short time ago want to be able to crawl in my shirts a short time more, and i would love to see my chest a little fuller. but at matching time, i would love to have kids inwardly the next couple of years. so is it best to hang around? Or should i just take it done

What are your views on plastic surgery (breast augmentation)?

Big boobs are more of a burden than a blessing a majority of the time... I believe a B Cup is the PERFECT size... similar to you said, they aren't saggy and you have no stretch grades. I would kill to seize rid of those to things and I'm only a 38 C... I hold bad final problems. So bad that my put a bet on hurts even when I'm just sitting (or partiality back contained by a chair) and thats just not something I should enjoy to deal beside at 18!

More than a mouthful is a waste! (lol) But If I be you and you REALLY just have to do it... I would check for natural alternatives instead of the surgery... Plastic surgery is so adjectives for our generation... We're adjectives slowly becoming plastic, fake barbie dolls, not a soul seems definite anymore... Shouldn't we just swot to love what we're born with!?

Not to mention you enjoy to be careful next to plastic surgeons now-a-days, because EVERY doctor is doing it and most of them ARE NOT certified plastic surgeons... thats where adjectives the surgery gone wrong stories come from... So if you do decide to do it... build sure he/she is a licensed, certified plastic surgeon.

How effective is Plan B?

This is a personal press that only you can answer. Perhaps you should consult your regular physician.

Irregular length b/c of sex?

do not get them. small * are nice

I'm planned for a laparotomy, when can I expect to go put money on to work?

Stretching and sagging happen when you have kids. I would continue until you have kids and see if you have need of a lift

Im so stressed!?

send me a picture of them and i will share you... lol

I need aid.?

yes and write them of on your taxes as a bussiness expense

Does this mean i a a breast tumor?

Really simply you can answer that question. If you grain you would like bigger breast, stir schedule a consult next to several plastic surgeons in your nouns and discuss it with them. They should be capable of tell you everything you inevitability to know. As far as I know, having breast implant do not cause problems near having children. It is even possible to try and breastfeed next to them, although many that I know who own implants be not successful. So that is something to imagine about and verbalize over with the doctor. Good luck and I hope this help.

If a woman suddenly discovers that she grows some hairs on her breasts, does it propose she is getting infertile?

I have b cups and wouldn't trade them for the world... unless possibly when I'm older and they start to sink. Men seem to similar to them fine (I am well proportioned otherwise). As for clothes, I love one able to turn braless, and I really have more choices human being smaller. Also, they are very, immensely sensitive, in a apposite way, which I would be worried to lose.

Can a uti be paid you sting down there and overflow urine?please help ?

At your age and the reality that you don't have children however and want them, i would consider waiting at least until after you enjoy children since child bearing can explanation so many change to the breasts that it could ruin them and plus you would be taking a risk if want to breast feed your children next to implants surrounded by place. Plus when you are older and hold already conceived this would give you more lose skin to brand the implants look more inbred and eliminate any flabby age and child bearing could enjoy caused. Hope this help :)

Is it true that girls starts to lose their beauty at the age of 25?

Consult a doctor first.
My personal judgment - wait till after the kiddies come!

What's occurring to me?

your breast will not start to sag till you make 30 & older
as for the implants.that is to say your decision alone...

honest luck ..

Semi-recently stopped smoking and gained a few pounds?

if u really are gonna do it i would manifestly wait until after u own a kid because ur boobs change when ur pregnant, but when u do want to do it be prepared my cousin had implant and she said afterwards that was the worst agony she's ever been within , but if u ain't gettin no complaints i wouldn't get implants at adjectives

Not to be gross at all but when u use lube.?

keep it material

Please see n help irregular mensuration?

What a disappointment to alter something handsome because bigger is supposedly better. It isn't. People were individual honest when they told you they're perfect. Please don't...not presently.
If, after your children, you want to perk them all method! But don't mess with perfection.

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