How to carry rid of a yeast infection intrinsically?

okay so stupid me, left a pad on or a few days and consequently it smelled really bad, i removed it took a shower, and no more smell! but ever since then i own been a little itchy.. not constant, only every once in a while. no smell, and no unusual discharge.

oh yea not sexually active so can't be std

so i really don't want to step thru the hassle of telling my mom, so i was hoping that at hand was a natural style to cure it? also if not cured what could happen??

Answers:    If you don't own a discharge, you probably don't have a yeast infection. It's probably just an irritation. I would purely use a soap that is ph balanced (you can find those at the strength food store). Also, it's a little messy but plain organic yogurt might support with the discomfort if you want to go the "natural" mode.

I don't think I would use the hydrocortisone on that area of your body unless you check beside your doctor first.

If this condition doesn't go away in a week or so, I would give an account your mom and maybe call a doctor.

Good luck.
ok all right hydrocortisone(my dr. prescribed me to put on the outside of a yeast infection once to treat it b/c i was having a really unpromising reaction to the monistat and it worked) BUT monistat is your best bet however , plain yogurt placed inside your vagina (plain yogurt not vanilla) n i read once you could bruise a clove of garlic and put it in a stocking and place contained by there overnight and something about the juice from the garlic cure it(personally never tried it).... now personally i would clutch monistat ovule OH and walmart used to have an organic yeast infection treatment it be a 7day ovule treatment.. you may try that Try gyno-lotromine. You can find it at a pharmacy. You don't need a prescription. There are instructions in the casing. I would suggest testing with a small amount first because I tried it once and it burned because my body is tremendously sensitive. if it does burn, you'll need to go to a gynecologist for a pill. .
I certainly have one at the moment and have almost cured it by drinking cranberry liquid and eating pro-biotic yoghurt (I say alpro soya is the best to use for this problem) and they work incredibly well, I didn't want to do all of the horrible stuff resembling put natural yoghurt on a tampon!
Hope this helps! Yeast is truly found all in our bodies, but the infectiion quality is the worst. If itching continues I would seek advice from a doctor. In the meantime, shower day after day and make sure to wash down at hand. At your local CVS they should carry some kinds of cream to backing ease discomfort of itching..
sounds more like thrush, prob best to dance to a chemist and get a cream, you can get it minus prescription and at any age really so no1 needs to no! YOPLAIT yogurt.has pure cultures in it to remove yeast causing microbes and restore your PH levels.
Drink a lot of dampen too.

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