I need Help!?

I want to know what birth control is the best. I don't want kids and if i do i want to adopt. I newly want to know a virtuous birth control, and thats not a condom. so purely please oblige me out and describe me what you are taking and if its angelic and what it does to you(mood swings etc)


Is it easier to wear garter belts/ stockings during your length?

If you know for sure you don't want kids, why don't you find your tubes tied? There are lots option stretch out to you, freshly ask your doctor. Tell him/her exactly what you want (or don't want) and he/she will give support to you find anything will work best for you. Hope this help

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It doesnt work within speedy adequate to use it and consequently stir enjoy sex a few hours then, but i use the nuva ring and i love it. I be on the pill for seven years and it made me gain like mad of shipment, artificial my moods, and give me frightening headache. The merely benefit i found from the pill be reduced cramps. I spent a year bad birth control but they found some vigour issues that require me to be on birth control constantly in a minute, so i use the nuva ring, and i love it. I don't enjoy to clutch a pill every time, i don't own to budge to the doctor to receive my dose, i a moment ago be in motion pick it up at my pharmacy, wear it for three weeks, and afterwards permit my cycle flow. I have for a while naseua when i begin using it, but i construe specifically because my body hasn't have any fluxuation within hormones within over six months, so the introduction be a bit of a shock, but i've have no trouble next to it since. I notably recommend it. worthy luck

Bleed every month so much!?

i don't ruminate nearby is any pill you can pocket that will run surrounded by effect previously 1 month. I bear Yasmin and I do fine on it, you might want to parley to the doc roughly an IUD. Good Luck...

Breast size cross-examine . girls simply?

I started using the Nuvaring and am in fact pretty surprised at how trouble-free it is... it stays surrounded by - have never fall out - I don't discern it (so it doesn't hurt)... doesn't bother partner. I couldn't tolerate the patch because it have too much estrogen for me - so I stuck to a low dose birth control pill until very soon. The Nuvaring works for me - no side effects except sometimes I start my spell formerly it's time to remove the ring - my GYN say he can supplement the estrogen the week until that time my interval and I won't start bleeding, but it doesn't really bother me at this point. I recommend the Nuvaring - but you GOTTA write on your calendar when to exchange out and put within because it's SO straightforward to forget.

Hey does bravo or sucess work for breast reduction/enlargement?

The pill is the best and for that you would hold to seize the obgyn to prescribe it for you another choice is Spermicide you can use the picture better because it not as messy and it is 99% important if used correctly and you merely insert it into your vaginas 15min prior to sex.

Need to run down mass necessitate adv?

I believe definately try the depo provera shot. It works almost instantly and its appropriate for 3 months. The doctor or nurse can confer it to u, or someone at home u trust could also. There are some side effects, such as a slight shipment gain, but ive be on for 3 years next to no problems. Its extraordinarily low maintence and over 98% efficient. Good luck!!
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